|39| - Dress Problems

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The picture above is similar to the dress I bought for my friend's quinceanera, except that my dress has tank-top like stings and is red.

Okay, so I went to David's Bridal to get this dress right? The store was nice and the people were super respectful. They even helped zip my dress up!

But, the thing is, I have real body issues and I am self-conscious as fuck, so it was really hard for me to get out of the dressing room and actually see myself in the mirror. It didn't help that my dad and my brother were the only two guys in the store, too! They had to fucking look at me in my dress, too!

Rewinding a bit, I wasn't really sure what my size was, so I picked out a size one and tried it on. It was incredibly tight and clinged to me in places I didn't really feel okay with. Not to mention the fact I couldn't even zip it up! I had to shamefully remove it and ask the lady for two sizes bigger.

I mean, there's no problem with getting a bigger size. Like, everyone has different body types and they can't just all fit in small clothing just because society says it's the aesthetic. I totally get that. But, it's just that the size three the lady got for me was still a little tight, especially at my stomach area. I have a small (very small) muffin top and I usually wear loose clothing to hide it, but in this case, it was just out there.

I should've gotten the size four right? I should've! But no, being my shy, stupid self, I just went and bought the size three. I was so embarrassed to get a bigger size that I just stuck with the one that made me uncomfortable. To be fair, my stomach wasn't that noticeable and I doubt that my friends will even notice it either, but I do! I just feel disgusted with myself for not being able to fit in something two sizes bigger.

I might use that dress again for my dance this year, but I don't know if I can slim down by that time. I look like Shrek from the neck down, so I hope when I wear my dress on Friday, nobody hurls.

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