|72| - Midterms

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Midterms week hit me like a fucking truck speeding on the freeway.

I had no idea that sophomore year was going to be this difficult - this crippling to my mental and physical health. I thought I could ace these tests with no problem. I thought that I could actually take these tests when I was mind-numbingly ill. 

I was so fucking wrong. 

Last year, as a freshman, all the classes I took were really easy. I didn't have to study much and I managed to get a decent amount of A's. With that mindset, I believed I could achieve the same this year. In fact, a majority of my grade believed the same. We were totally not prepared for what was to come.

My first test was Chemistry.

I was horrendously ill that first day. I don't even know why I came to school. I should have fucking stayed at home. My chemistry teacher is an actually sadist, not even joking. He gave us two tests - his test and the district made one. I aced his test no problem, receiving a B on it. However, the district test was so fucking difficult. He didn't teach us half the things asked on there. I received a big, fat D on it (not the D I want smh). When you average the grades, you get a C+, which was my final midterm grade. 

I'm fucking freaking the fuck out right now. I NEVER got a test score that low on something so important. I told my mother, and while she was mad, she understood. However, my father is far from understanding and he will most likely blame my laptop or my phone or the fact that I don't care (um like i do??? idk why he thinks that). I am so not prepared for the explosion to come.

I aced my Engineering, Gym, History, Math, and French midterm, but my Computer Science one was the one that killed me.

When I got that test, I stared at it for a good fifteen minutes. I honestly had no idea what the fuck to do. By some miracle, I got an A- on the short answer and an A+ on pretest progress, but I got an F on the performance tasks section. I got some extra credit, so it bumped my midterm grade up to an 83. What a relief!

I don't know why midterms affected me so negatively this year in comparison to last year, but I really need to get my shit together for the Quarter 3 test and the Finals, so my GPA and my chances of taking AP/Ivy League college classes will suffer greatly.

Teen IdleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora