|4| - Books vs. Movies

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If you watched the movie of (insert book here) first, I am not judging you.

Sometimes the movie version of the books are good! For example, The Hunger Games series, the Harry Potter Series, and the Divergent series. In my opinion, they were really, really good.

I actually watched all the Harry Potter movies before I read the books (don't kill me, please).

However, I liked the Harry Potter books even more than the movies.

What I absolutely hate is when people watch the movie, read the books, and then bitch about how bad the book.

Like, first of all, the book came first. If something didn't happen in the movie, but it happened in the book, you should be complaining about the fucking film.

For example, I had a couple of people in my school that watched the first Percy Jackson movie (an abomination, to be honest) and when they read the book, they hated it. I asked them why they thought so, and all they replied with was "it's boring and too long."

I had a couple people actually like the movie and actually refused to read the book because of it.

This was rather short, but does anyone have any book to movie rants? Have you guys encountered these type of people? Or are you this person?

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