|38| - A List of Atrocities

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Just wanted to spice things up!

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1) Stale Coffee

I went to a hotel recently and the coffee tasted so disgusting! It upset my stomach for the entire car ride...

2) Hard Bread

Might as well kiss your teeth goodbye!

3) Kidz Bop

They fucking butcher songs and censor them unnecessarily. I didn't even listen to them until I heard their version of Uma Thurman. What monster parent won't let them listen to fucking Fall Out Boy??? I'm literally imagining a white, über religious family right now.

"Mary, we can't let our precious son listen to this horrible music nowadays."

"I agree, my dear husband John. We must raise him to the words of the (insert religious figure)."

"We must not let him listen to normal music. We must corrupt his mind and make him listen to talentless kids whose voices are ridiculously layered with autotune in an attempt to revive it."

"Yes, John. We shall never let our child have a normal sense of music and a normal life."

4) Stephanie Meyer

Just fuck you. You're writing is as bland as the coffee I drank at my hotel.

5) The Percy Jackson & Divergent Movies

Need I say more?

6) Donald Trump

Again, need I say more? I hope Bernie Sanders or at LEAST Hillary wins. This asshole just needs to stop.

7) Ms. Prissy Bitch

*white teacher voice* "Um excuse me? Stop talking or I will write a stroooong note to your teacher about you."

*goes on Macbook Pro and iPhone 6 the entire class*

8) Mr. I-Fucking-Hate-Kids

"Okay um I know you have a billion tests and homework assignments, but I don't care! Here's three activities that are due SUNDAY and you can't say time is an issue!"

9) Stairs

I'm about as fit as a potato so stairs are Hell on Earth for me.

10) Family Gatherings

My family fucking sucks so talking to them is the equivalent of shoving my hand in a blender.

11) "I Don't Know When To Shut The Fuck Up and Leave Something Alone" people

My friend did this and that bitch is out of my life so I mean....

12) Broken Headphones

*spends thirty bucks on headphones*

*breaks them in three months*

13) "I'll Mimic Indians and Enforce Stereotypes On Them To Make Them Feel Bad" people

@ all the people in my math class

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*lowkey turns up Hotline Bling and Emperor's New Clothes*

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