Their Return

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Shadow's POV

Shadow was half-asleep when it happened. The letter had been on his mind throughout the party and the past two days, bugging him enough to stop him enjoying himself as much as he could. He and Y/N lay together in bed, both exhausted but too nervous to go to sleep. There was a soft creak outside their door, making them both stiffen. Footsteps crept down the landing towards the stairs. Silence followed. Suddenly, a scream split the air
"Mom! Dad! HELP!"
Both hedgehogs were instantly up, Y/N in her pyjamas, Shadow as he normally was, "Hang on Maria!"
They burst into Maria's room as two hooded figures stuffed her in a bag. They ran for the open window and vaulted out. Shadow knew they had to act fast.
"I'll try and slow them down. You go get help!"
"Will do!"
Shadow sprang out the window, following the set of footprints in the mud leading into the forest behind their home. Come on Shadow, he thought, faster! Your daughter's life is at stake here! He pelted between the trees, catching up with the two kidnappers. However, they plunged into a tree and vanished before he could stop them.
"No!" he yelled, ramming into the trunk, pushing as hard as he could. It tumbled open under his weight just as Maria was shoved into a glass tube.
"Maria! Hang on!"
"Dad, I'm scared!"
"You're gonna be OK, I promise!"
"Oh, I doubt that for you Shadow," a smooth, female voice rang out as one of the two figures came out of the darkness of one of the walls.
"Scorch! I should've known."
"And my brother too."
Over the years of imprisonment, Scorch and Scourge had become thin and grimy, wild-eyed and scruffy. They had become bent on revenge. They circled Shadow, slowly getting closer and closer to him, until Scorch was able to trace one finger under his chin, which she did, making him snarl.
"What do you want with my daughter?"
"Power. Rumours have been going round that she's as powerful as you and Y/N, maybe even more."
"Didn't you learn your lesson over two decades ago when you were first locked up?"
"There was nothing to be learned. We already know that power or death is the only way."
Shadow gasped, backing up to try and protect Maria. No way was he letting these power hungry maniacs hurt her.

Worlds Collide - a Shadow x Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now