New Power

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Startled, Y/N pulled back "What? How?"
"Zeleon... he must have smashed them after we escaped," Shadow was shaking like a leaf; he was in shock.
"Easy, buddy. You're gonna be OK," Sonic and Silver were right next to him.
"It's not me I'm worried about. It's the rest of the world. How can we beat Zeleon without the Emeralds?"
Y/N thought for a few seconds before an idea hit her, "We use my fire!"
"How can we all use it?"
Thrilled with her idea, Y/N laughed, "I think maybe if..." she trailed off, spotting a long cut in Shadow's arm, "This may hurt a bit."
Shadow gasped, "What are you -?!"
Y/N pressed one hand over the wound, "Hang on!"
Fire flowed from her fingers, twisting into the cut. Some of Shadow's blood curled up with it, folding in and out of the flames. It rose up, weaving together at eye level before plunging back into his arm. The injury sealed, leaving a dark red flame shaped scar where it had been.
"Think of fire in your hand."
"Just try it! Please? I want to see if it worked."
"What did you do anyway?"
Y/N sighed, shaking her head. She wanted them to find out, but they were pressuring her too much, "Fine. I tried to transfer some of my fire into Shadow so he can turn super without using the Chaos Emeralds. I don't know if it's worked yet."
"So basically you passed your power on to me," Shadow looked confused.
"Yeah, just that."
"OK. I'll try," he closed his eyes, clearly focusing on what he had to do. It took a couple of attempts, but eventually he managed to set his whole body on fire.
"It worked!"
Y/N cheered, hauling Shadow into a giant hug. The flames tickled her gently as he hugged her back, "I can't believe it worked!"
"I know!"
All four of them laughed. Y/N kept her flames between her and Shadow. If anyone was going to beat Zeleon, it was them.

When the group finally returned to where they had left the sleeping forms of Y/N's sisters, both girls had woken up at last and were slowly taking in their surroundings.
"Hey guys. What's up?"
"Nothing much, just trying to figure out where we are."
"Eggman's old lair. He's dead now, so I guess we can use it."
"Eggman... woah, woah, woah. Are you telling us we're staying in the place the guy who almost killed you used to live?"
"Pretty much, yeah."
"Are you crazy?! This place could be haunted!"
"No it's not. You seriously believe ghost stories?"
"Well, yeah! How do you think Shadow came back to life?"
Y/N paused, "I never thought about that. Shadow, how did you come back to life?"
Shadow stiffened a bit - clearly he didn't want to talk about it - but he told them anyway, "When I died, I was watching you guys when the ghosts of Eggman and Mephiles came and told me how to go back. They said they couldn't go back because of their mistakes."
Y/N lay back a bit, "Eggman and Mephiles helped you?"
Shadow nodded slowly, "I still don't understand why they did it."
"You see, Y/N! Ghosts are real!" F/N shoved Y/N.
"OK, OK, I admit I was wrong, but if Eggman was still here he would've made himself known by now."
"Because everyone else in the world is crazy, since they're being controlled by Zeleon."
"Oh. Good point."
"Um, guys? I think we have a problem," Sonic and Silver were crouched just outside their shelter.
"What's up?"
"He's back."

Worlds Collide - a Shadow x Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now