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The two kept trying to break free until they had exhausted themselves from their struggle. Shadow's quills sagged as he yawned, tired out from his battle against the red energy controlling him.
"You OK?"
"If by OK, you mean completely worn out and stuck in a load of red energy that's stronger than I am, then yeah, I'm OK."
"I didn't mean it like that..."
"It's OK. Don't worry about it."
"You scared about this?"
"A little."
"Just a little?"
"OK, OK, I admit it. I'm completely terrified."
"And you should be. We're here," Zeleon had halted at the top of a cliff and was looking over the edge. The two hedgehogs were forced to join him. Both of them gasped when they saw what was beyond the rock wall.
"Oh no. What happened to them?"
Thousands of people, all of them acting like zombies, mobians and humans alike, were stood in a giant crowd at the bottom of the cliff. Shadow searched the masses for Sonic and the others, but couldn't see them anywhere.
"I made them perfect. And you two are the last imperfect creations of this world."
Y/N's breathing had become heavier. She shook every few seconds. Shadow gently pushed her closer, the most amount of movement he'd been able to do this whole time.
Zeleon chuckled, "You should honestly see yourselves right now. I thought neither of you were afraid of anything?"
"I'm not. I'm just a bit cold," Y/N growled.
"Yeah, right. Anyway, you have visitors."
Shadow froze. Several people were breathing down his neck. His eyes flashed around wildly.
A hand traced down his spine, and it wasn't Y/N's. He swallowed, slowly turning around to come face to face with his friends. But there was something different about them. They looked more bloodthirsty, more savage, more evil.
"What the... Sonic?"
"No. Not Sonic," Evil Sonic sniggered, "I am perfect. We all are."
His voice wasn't his own. It had blended with Zeleon's, the low purring of evil overpowering everything else. Amy, Rouge, Blaze and Scorch stood around Y/N, who looked very close to freaking out. It was worse for her, as her sisters approached her with evil grins on their faces. Shadow tried to get to her, but he was surrounded by all the boys: Sonic, Silver, Knuckles, Tails, all the Chaotix, Manic, even Scourge and Sonic.exe. 
"Leave her alone."
"He's right. Let them be, my slaves," Zeleon smirked. Y/N coughed again, letting loose another stream of blood from her mouth. Shadow's jaw throbbed with pain. Anger was building up inside him, but even that didn't help him get out. Weaker than ever, for the first time, he knew what it felt like to be truly helpless. The wound on his jaw didn't help either.
"Guys, wake up. This isn't you."
If anyone heard Y/N's plea, only her sisters reacted. Both of them stiffened and turned towards her.
"Sis...ter?" B/F/N stuttered as if the word was alien to her.
"Fam...ily?" F/N gasped, staggering in shock.
"Remember all those silly videos we watched together? The ones that made me laugh so much milkshake came out of my nose? All the time we spent together after Gran died?"
"Impossible! I couldn't possibly have made a mistake... could I?" Zeleon stammered, "Did I really take over the minds of two daughters of my brother, Cercerus?"
The evil faded from B/F/N and F/N's faces. They both toppled into Y/N's arms.
"Hey, easy. I got you."
Since it had worked with Y/N's sisters, Shadow tried his luck with Sonic and Silver, "You remember how when I was dying because of Mephiles, I said you guys were the closest family I had? I really meant it."
"Shad...ow?" Sonic clasped one hand to his head as if he had a nasty headache.
"What... happened?" Silver muttered, close to hyperventilating.
"It's Zeleon. He's controlling you. You've got to snap out of it!"
"Shadow..." Sonic crumpled under his own weight.
"I... don't..." Silver collapsed on top of him.
Y/N shot Shadow a brief smile, a look that clearly said, "Good one. They'll be OK."
"Another mistake! No, that's impossible! I can't have taken control of two sons of Helioa too!"
"You have any idea what he's talking about?" Shadow looked at Y/N, confused.
She shook her head, "Nope. It's just crazy talk to me."
Zeleon let out an unearthly howling shriek, "I will be back for you, my sparks. And there will be no imperfections!"
With that, he and all his "slaves" evaporated into black smoke.

Worlds Collide - a Shadow x Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now