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Shadow's POV

Unfortunately, Sonic, Silver and Knuckles ended up doing just that. They became so agitated about the girls and Tails that they went out on their own searches and got themselves captured too. This was happening all over the world. It was everywhere; in the news, in the papers, on the TV every few minutes, all over the internet. Y/N, Shadow, B/F/N, F/N, the Chaotix team and Manic were quickly the last ones in town. Out of nowhere, the two human girls were picked off, then Charmy, Vector after him, and finally Espio and Manic together, leaving Y/N and Shadow as the last ones.
"I don't understand why this is happening. We killed Sonic.exe, Scourge and Scorch are behind bars, Mephiles and Egghead are dead. Who else could it be?" Shadow wondered.
Y/N gasped, looking out the window, "I think we're about to find out."
He came to her side. The clouds were boiling in a reddy-purple glow, the sky beyond them black as fuel oil. He grabbed her hand, sprinting outside as a bolt of blue, green and white energy shot out of the clouds, forming itself into a figure that looked like Silver, only way taller and more evil looking.
"Who the heck is that?"
"No idea, but I'm betting he's to blame for all this."
"How much?"
"Let's not go there."
"OK," Y/N shrugged, "I was kidding you know."
"I know, I know. We need to focus though."
The figure finally finished forming, cackling, "At last! After all these years I've made all these mortals become... PERFECT!"
Shadow took a couple of steps forward, keeping himself between Y/N and this strange new person, "Who are you? What have you done with our friends?"
Turning to them with a long-fanged grin on his face, the voice that spoke to them sent chills up and down their spines like icy water, "I would have thought you two at least would know. You of all people should know all about perfection, Shadow the Hedgehog."
"How do you know who I am?"
Ignoring the question, he went on, "I would've thought you know everything about perfection after all that time you spent of the A.R.K., strapped to a lab table surrounded by people testing on you, trying to achieve perfection. All of that has been in vain, though, as I have achieved it first."
"You still haven't told us who you are," Y/N stepped forward, fire blazing in the palm of her hand.
"Oh, of course, of course, where are my manners? I am everything and nothing. I have full control over every situation. I am the reason why you two are still alive, yet everyone else is under my control. I guess you could say I am a living God. I am...... ZELEON!"
A long pause followed, finally broken by Shadow, "Um... that's the first I've heard of it."
"Same here."
"Fools! Nobody hasn't heard of me! I am the reason you exist!" Zeleon yelled, thrusting out one hand, causing a red energy to surround the two of them, forcing them to their knees, "Bow like the dirt you are!"
Shadow's right leg was trapped between two pieces of rubble. How they had got there, he didn't know, but they stopped him from fighting the energy. He couldn't move to protect himself or Y/N. Zeleon approached him first.
"Such strength, reduced to nothing against me. What a pity," he chuckled, tracing a taloned finger under Shadow's chin. Zeleon cut away a large patch of flesh from Shadow's jaw, leaving him bleeding profusely. Y/N yelled angrily.
"How dare you hurt him! Let us go and fight like a man!"
"I don't need to. As I said before, I have full control of any situation, including this one. I would still win."
"Says who?"
"I do. Must you push me so hard?" Zeleon asked her, pulling her up to eye level. She coughed as he laughed and dropped her. The hacking started and blood flew from her mouth. Not in tiny droplets, but like a full on waterfall.
Shadow managed to reach out to her, putting one hand on her shoulder, "Leave her alone."
Zeleon's dark purple eyes hardened, "You cannot tell me what to do."
"And neither can you tell me what to do."
"Oh really? I'm controlling you, holding you down with my power."
"You're only holding my body down. In truth, I'm as free as a bird in the sky."
"So sorry I have to bring you back down to Earth," he laughed, showing his sharpened teeth, "Come along you two. There are those who are simply dying to see you."
Despite their struggles, neither Shadow nor Y/N could break free. They couldn't control themselves as Zeleon forced them to follow him.

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