It's Hard to Fit In

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The next day, Y/N was busy practising on her guitar when all the other girls came into her room to talk to her.
"Hey guys, what's up?"
"We just want to talk to you," Blaze spoke first.
"You've been acting kind of weird lately," Rouge sat next to her, "What's wrong?"
Amy crouched in front of her, "It's OK. Say whatever you need to."
Y/N sighed, " It's just that I don't seem to fit in here. To me, everyone except Shadow acts strangely around me, like I'm not supposed to be here."
"Oh, Y/N, hun. Don't feel like that," Rouge flung one arm around her.
"Everyone acting strangely around you, huh? Sounds like jealousy to me," Blaze perched beside her.

Amy put one hand on her shoulder, "It was the same when Shadow first moved in here."
"It was?"
"Oh yes. You see, hun, it's not easy for someone as powerful as you or Shadow to fit in anywhere. That's why most of the most powerful people end up becoming evil," Rouge explained.

"I remember him muttering to himself in his room not long after he moved in. It sounded something like "Why don't they understand me? Why can't I fit in like they do?" Nobody was used to having him around so everything was pretty awkward until it became normal for all of us."
"But, Blaze, you must have felt the same at some point. I mean, people weren't used to having you around until you came back with me."
"You see, I've stayed with these guys before, so they know what I'm capable of. They don't know you as well as Shadow does."
"Well, maybe it's time I changed that. Starting with you guys."
"OK. Let's start with your favourite colour."
"Black and red, always."

"Favourite film?"
"That's a hard one. I'd have to say Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy."
"We really need a movie night at some point. Then we can all watch each other's favourite movies."
"Great idea!"
"Favourite song?"
"Another hard one, but I'll say Fireflies by Owl City."
"I like that one too!" Rouge laughed, "And I know Shadow does as well. I've heard him listening to it more than once."
Y/N laughed. This was turning out to be a great morning.


OK, if you don't like the film or the song, please don't kill me. They turn up later in the book so I need them like this.

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