The Kidnapping

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Shadow shot through the park alone, letting his instincts take over, telling him where to go. It hadn't been long before he went into the forest on the very outskirts of the area. He leaned against a tree for a few minutes before walking slowly into a clearing. He shuddered. This was where he had crashlanded after he had fallen from the Space Colony ARK when he and Sonic had stopped it from destroying the Earth. He had wondered if he was going to make it out alive. There was still a small crater in the centre of the clearing where he had landed before Dr. Eggman had found him, almost dead and helped him heal.

"Taking a trip down Memory Lane, are you?"

Shadow whirled around and growled. A green hedgehog with three scars on his chest and blue eyes, wearing a black leather jacket with flames on the sleeve was leaning against a tree behind him.

"Scourge. What do you want?"

"Remember that person you bumped into when you were following Rouge? That was me. But this isn't about that."
"Then what is it about?"
"This!" a different voice, one he didn't recognise, rang out on the other side of the clearing. He turned just as a weighted net fell on top of him.

"What the...!"
"You asked what this is about?" a blue hedgehog with bloodstained cheeks and narrow red eyes landed in front of him.
"Me. I am part of it. Just a third though," Sonic.exe chuckled.
"The second part is me," Scourge laughed.
"What of the third?"
"The third is me," a bright orange hedgehog with yellow eyes and three scars in exactly the same place as Scourge sauntered up.

"I don't think you two have met. Sis, meet Shadow, the one you've been bugging me about all these years. Shadow, meet my sister Scorch."
Scorch let out a loud cackle, "Finally! I've waited a long time to do this! Sonic.exe, do you have the ropes?"
"Of course."
Scourge yanked Shadow to his feet, keeping the net over him to stop him escaping. Grabbing both his hands, he held them out while Scorch bound them together. Sonic.exe did the same with Shadow's feet. Pushing him down to his knees, Scorch tied a blindfold over his eyes and held him upright for a few seconds. He heard a camera click before a sharp pain in his shoulder made him yell.
"Get away from me!"
He dimly heard Scourge and Scorch talking, obviously videoing themselves, probably to pass on as part of a blackmail letter, as Sonic.exe stood behind him, drawing blood with a tiny blade. Once again, Shadow yelled, figuring they were going to pass the message on to either Y/N or Sonic, whichever found the video first.
"Guys, help me!"
"Shut up!" Scourge stalked over to him and struck him hard on the head. Shadow yelled again in pain as he slumped unconscious.

Shadow slowly woke in a dark room, still bound in the net. Yet instead of just his feet being tied together, chains had been cuffed on either ankle, wound up both legs, attached to one large shackle around his waist, coiled back down and hammered into the ground beneath him. His hands and feet were freezing. His hands had been cuffed in front of him instead of behind now. A loud bang of a door being thrown open and a harsh beam of light on his face made him wince as Scorch strolled in.
"Well, well, look who's finally awake. Pretty little boy aren't you?"
Shadow simple growled in response.
"Now, now, that's no way to treat a future lover."
Future lover? he thought, bewildered, What the heck does she mean by that? As if in answer, she crouched next to him, forcing his back into the ground. Holding him there, she kissed him. He thrashed, trying to push her off, but the combination of his bonds and her hands were strong even for him. As she stood up, she chuckled, showing her sharpened teeth.
"Some ultimate life form, if he can't push a girl away."
Scorch slammed the door behind her, leaving Shadow alone in the dark, freezing and hungry (he had dropped Sonic's chillidog) with just his mind for company. She's right, he thought, how am I the ultimate life form if I can't push her away? He curled up to stay warm and shivered himself into a feverish sleep interrupted by many nightmares.

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