Trying to Help Him

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One by one, each of her friends headed into their rooms. She counted each door closing. When, at last, Knuckles closed his door, she slipped silently out of her room, crept downstairs to the safe where the Chaos Emeralds were kept. Pressing one ear to the hatch, she twisted the dial until a soft click signalled her the safe was open. She prized each Emerald out of their holder, slipping them into a small pouch at her waist. Knives and a bundle containing Shadow's armour, which he had created when he had thought she was dead. Careful not to make any noise at all, she closed the safe and snuck out the door.
"Sorry guys, but Shadow needs me."

A short jog took her to the park. Checking the time, she noticed it was half eleven, giving her half an hour to get to the forest outskirts. Stopping for a few minutes, she leaned her shoulder against a tree. A sudden crack made her freeze.
"Who's there?"
A sigh echoed out, "Just me," Sonic landed beside her.
"Why did you follow me?"
"I heard the front door and knew you had gone."
"I know you didn't want me to give them the Emeralds, but -"
Sonic held up one hand, "It's OK. I understand. I'll stay in the trees and make sure you're safe."
Y/N sighed, "If you say so. Just don't get hurt."
"I won't."
She turned and headed for the forest, "Sonic?"

"Scourge! Scorch! Sonic.exe! Come out! I've got the Emeralds if you want them!" standing on the very edge of the treeline, Y/N lifted the pouch from her waist so it could clearly be seen.
"Oh, excellent. At last, we can do some business. Shame it'll be one-sided," Scorch landed directly in front of her.
"What the...?! HEY!"
She snatched the pouch front Y/N's hands and flicked one finger at her. Instantly, Y/N was bound head to foot in a cocoon of ropes. Sonic.exe threw her over his shoulder and the group set off into the forest. Silently, Sonic followed overhead. When they eventually pushed their way into one of the trees, he grabbed a blade Y/N had dropped and made an "X" shape on the trunk. Having marked where he would need to return to, he turned tail and sprinted home to get help.

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