Now or Never

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Austin burst into my room and started jumping on my bed at 6 o’clock the next morning. “Austin! What are you doing!?”

He collapsed next to me. “You gotta get up! We’re meeting Scott in an hour. We can’t be late!”

I sighed and sat up. “Ugh! It’s so early. My hair is going to take forever.”

Austin hugged me. “You’re already gorgeous. You don’t need to spend forever on your looks.”

I glanced in the mirror above my dresser. “Yes I do. Now get out! I have to change.”

Austin left and I stared in the mirror for another minute before I got up. Maybe I wasn’t quite as ugly as everyone at home always said I was. l hopped up and plugged my iPod into my speaker that I’d barely used since I moved in here. I put it on one of my old playlists from elementary school and was soon bouncing around to the beat of the Jonas Brothers and Hannah Montana. I locked my bedroom door again and left the door to my bathroom open as I washed my face and put on my butterfly dress.

I brushed through my hair and looked at my basket of hair supplies. I blow dried my damp hair straight, straightened it and plugged in my curling iron I almost never used. Dave knocked when I was almost done. “Hey Hannah Montana! We’re leaving in ten whether you’re in the car or not!”

I finished up and put on some eyeliner and eyeshadow. I would’ve put on more, but I felt pretty positive that Austin would have yelled at me for covering up too much. I turned off my music, picked up my shoes and bounced down the stairs where everyone was waiting. Austin looked insanely nervous. I took his hand. “Calm down superstar. You’re going to be fine.”

He squeezed my hand but didn’t change his expression. “Put on your shoes.”

I slipped on my flats and took his hand again. He just squeezed it and didn’t say a word. Mama asked him if he wanted to drive, but he turned her down, which I thought was pretty strange. I knew he loved when he got to drive, even though they didn’t let him very often. “We’ll take the Range Rover anyway. Dave, do you want to drive? And don’t worry baby,” Mama said. “You’re going to be just fine.”

We piled into the car. Austin and I sat in the back. Austin sat in the center seat instead of scooting over and held me in his arms. No one talked the whole way to Scott’s building.

Scott was waiting in the parking lot. “Hey guys! Are you excited?” Austin shrugged. “Dude! You don’t have to be nervous. They’re already interested.” Scott just watched Austin and sighed when he didn’t respond. “You know I really like that outfit. It’s totally you. Who picked it out?”

Austin shrugged again.

“Olivia. Do me a favor and kiss him. We can’t have an unpeppy popstar.”

I shook my head. “Not out here! People can see!”

Scott sighed. “Are you two going to hide this forever. I’ve seen you two. It’s getting serious. Show everyone.”

I looked at Austin. “I’m ready when you are,” I said.

He pulled me toward him. “I’ve been ready from day one.” Then he kissed me right in the middle of the parking lot. There wasn’t really anyone around, but it felt so nice to not have to hide it.

Austin seemed to brighten when he pulled away. “Let’s get this done!” he shouted.

Scott gave Dave directions to the office building we were going to be meeting at and we got back in the car. Austin took an instagram selfie and captioned it “Big day ahead. Crazy excited. #Yee”.

Now or Never (An Austin Mahone and Crew Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now