Our lips collide once again as I gently push her back on the bad, hovering on top of her. We're only in our undergarments as we roll around in my king-size bed, our mouths feeding hungrily off each others.

Maybe I'm a liar, but all I really know
Is you're the only reason I'm trying

I gently tug on her lower lip and she gasps, allowing me to enter my tongue in her mouth. My mind and thoughts go wild as our tongues dance. I let go of her lips and plant hard, sloppy kisses down her neck and chest. She shivers as my hands travel all over her; feeling every bend and curve that her body can offer. She moans and pulls my hair as I graze and suck on the crook of her neck.

I'm wasted away, I made a million mistakes
Am I too late? Oh yeah..

Soon our undergarments are off and thrown away as well. Now it's only our skin that's moving against each other; warm from the heat radiating from our bodies, wet from the sweat because of the warmth.

Our breathing is heavy and my heart is pounding in my chest. Every part of my body is aching with desire and all I can think about is Cassandra. Her perfume has once again managed to intoxicate me, her eyes have managed to captivate me. She keeps murmuring my name; like it's the only thing she knows, the only thing that matters.

"Tyler.." She says it so gently, so quietly, as if holding on to dear life. Like it's a secret only she knows.

There's a storm in my head; it rains on my bed
When you're not here, oh..

I bring my head over hers and look deeply into her eyes. Her green mixes with my blue. She cups my cheeks and raises her head to kiss me softly.

"Cassandra.." I whisper as she affectionately looks at me.

This is it. This is the moment I was waiting for. I couldn't have sex with her in the kitchen because I'm making love to her now. I wasn't able to tell her that I love her because I will do that now. This is that moment.

I'm not afraid of dying,
But I am afraid of losing you..

"I love you."

I say as I push myself into her. Her back arches as she gasps; her nails digging in my shoulder. My mouth finds her and we kiss passionately, forgetting all the highs and the lows, all the pain.

My hair is tousled and messed up by her hands, and there's beads of sweat forming on my forehead. Her chest is flushed red by the marks I gave her. I use my teeth to softly graze all the way from her lips to her shoulder and she tilts her head to the other side to grant me more access.

Maybe I'm addicted, I'm out of control
But you're the drug that keeps me from dying
Maybe I'm a liar, but all I really know
Is you're the only reason I'm trying

She moans heavily as I pull out and thrust myself back again. I bury my face in her neck as we both fall in deeper in love. I can feel her sighs in her throat as they grow shorter and coarser. The room is reverberating with our breathing and gasps as we fight to stay sane. My heart is going wild, and I can feel her heart beat mimicking mine under my chest.

When you're lying next to me
Love is going through to me
Oh, it's beautiful, oh yeah

I lift my head up from her neck and rest my forehead on top of hers. Our gaze locks as we both experience pleasure at its best; leaving us in a state of ecstasy, drowning us in the deepest of emotions. I finally pull out and fall beside her, panting heavily.

Everything is clear to me
'Til I hit reality
And I lose it all

She turns on her side and drapes her arm over me, burying her face in my shoulder. I extend my arm so that she can rest her head on it, and pull her as close to me as I can.

"Tyler?" Her voice is so low and soft, for a second it terrifies me that I may have hurt her.

"Yes..?" I nervously ask.

She looks up at me and presses her lips on mine while murmuring, "I love you, too."

I kiss her back with all that I can give her, with all the love that I have to offer. Then, I give her a lingering kiss on the top of her head. She snuggles in deeper into me and I cuddle her in as I close my eyes.

In this moment, I have everything I need. Everything I want. I have my whole world cradled in my arms.

I cannot function. I absolutely can't function my brain has left me to go to Honolulu.

Holy mother of jelly beans! I can't believe I actually wrote a whole love scene! I have never done this before! Jsjxnsosbahdbwkbdr I CAN'T EVEN READ THIS SHIT AGAIN BECAUSE MY HEART IS ARRHYTHMIC!

Cause of heart failure: The writer was imagining Zayn Malik. K bye.

- H <3

P.S. I want all of you to comment each an every thought/feeling/opinion whatsoever BECAUSE THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I'VE WRITTEN STUFF LIKE THIS AND I JUST FEEL EMBARRASSED AND MY LOWER BODY IS NOT COPING WELL.

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