Chapter 8

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My eyes flutter open as I try and adjust my vision. My head is pounding because of the dream I had and all I wanna do is slam it against the wall. What the hell is up with me? Why am I getting such dreams? WHY AM I SEEING HER?!

Holy shit. It was her. It was the girl that I met yesterday. Was I right in thinking that she was the one who was coming in my dreams since the start? Or did my brain just attach her in the dream because she was the only one I thought about the whole day yesterday? The latter seemed more likely, but what she said in the dream.. That she told me she's here..

I groan as I try to make sense of things. I'm probably thinking and analyzing a lot and I need to stop. If I keep on doing this, my brain would soon turn into mush. I sigh, I don't feel so good today. I seriously do not wanna go to work. I decide to call and check if I have any work pending, otherwise I'm taking the day off. It may be possible that I've been stressing out over nothing and that has taken its toll on me.

"Hello, this is Wilde & Weinberd P.C Law Offices. I'm Julie, how may I help you?"

I smile slightly. She has such a fresh, perky voice, it can cheer anyone up. "Hey Julie, it's me, Tyler."

"Oh! Hi Tyler. Is everything okay?" She sounds concerned. I don't blame her, I never call over at the reception.

"Yeah, yeah, it's all good. Listen, can you do a bit of a favour for me?"

"Sure, what's up?"

"Can you check if I have any work pending? Are there any cases that I need to look at?"

"Hold on a second.."

I silently pray that there isn't any work left. Please, please, please God let me be free today.

"Nope! You have absolutely no work today."

Hell yes!!

"That's great! So I'm not coming to work, alright? Just letting you know."

"Oh.. Well.. Okay.." I can actually hear the disappointment in her voice.

"Thanks Julie, you're the best! Don't miss me too much!"

She giggles before saying 'bye' and then hangs up. I call Sam and tell him to pick up his file before heading off to work. A half hour later, he reaches my place.

"Why aren't you coming today?" He asks.

"Just don't feel like it." I answer truthfully.

"Everything alright?" I look at him, and I can see genuine concern in his eyes. It's the type of concern that makes you feel like you belong, like there's someone who'll always care.

"Yeah, just feel a bit tired. I'm thinking of having a day out." I give him a half smile and he smiles back. He knows. He knows something's up, but he doesn't question more. That's the thing I like about Sam; he knows when to give a person his privacy. He may ask you on and off, but he will never pressurize you into telling him something you don't feel like sharing.

"Alright bud, feel well soon. See ya." He nods and takes off.

Finally, I have the day to myself. I could stay at home and watch a movie or catch up on my TV series. But something tells me that if I stay inside these four walls then my mind will only be occupied by that girl. And she is the last person whom I want to think about. She's the reason I embarrassed myself yesterday, though I do wish I could replay the whole thing again and do something different. Something that wouldn't have caused her to get mad at me. I kinda wanted to know her..

Oh, bloody hell! Get outta this place right now, Tyler.


Alright, where should I go?
Wearing an orange shirt with blue jeans and sneaks, I wait for my hot dog to get ready and think about my whereabouts. I could go visit the Statue of Liberty. But nah, I've been there a couple of times and honestly, I kinda don't want to go alone. I could just roam around aimlessly as well, but even then I need to have some sort of plan.

"Here you go." The man says as he hands me the hot dog. I give him the money and start walking. I spot Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum right in front of me and suddenly, I decide to go there.

There's a wax figure of Samuel L. Jackson and Nicholas Cage in the showcase overlooking the street. I grin. This place has always made me happy. It feels so good seeing all these wax figures and taking pictures and pretending to be meeting real celebrities. I chuckle at how silly I can get sometimes. I enter and the cool atmosphere welcomes me. But that's not the only thing that is welcoming, The Rock figure is standing there beside the ticket area. This is gonna be a good day.

I enter the A-list celebrity area, and I swear to God I feel like fangirling. WOULD YOU LOOK AT HOW AMAZING THIS IS?! OH MY GAAAAAHD!!! I head over to J-Lo. The thing is, if you keep your hand on her butt, the pressure sensors there sense the touch and trigger the light adjusted in her cheeks to switch on, making her cheeks turn red. I try it out and she blushes. I feel so giddy. I take some selfies with my favourite celebrities HOLY SHIT ANGELINA LOOKS HOT! I run over and place the guide book in front of Brad's face, blocking it, while standing beside her. God, I haven't felt this ridiculous in ages.

I make my way out for the next section. As I pass a room, I notice some girls freaking out. I squint to see which wax figure they're going crazy for, and that's when I spot the 1D band. Of course. Why didn't I figure it out earlier? The girls are literally hyperventilating as they sit next to the figures and snap pictures. I smile a little, I can't judge them for being so in-love with a band. If I can freak out over Angelina's wax figure, then they sure as hell can hyperventilate over these British lads.

I turn and make my way across an empty corridor. There's a wall on one side, and there's a glass window on the other which overlooks the street and the buildings. I'm so absorbed in admiring the chaos outside that I don't notice the person walking towards me as I clash into her. The collision causes her to lose her footing and in an attempt to hold her, I tumble as well and fall down on her.

When I finally look at her, my mind goes numb and I can't process why the fuck this is happening all over again.

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