We reached Sam's apartment about half an hour ago and as soon as we entered, he hasn't stopped talking to Cassandra nor did he try and hide his excitement. He was jumping like a mad bunny the moment I introduced him to Cassandra. He's been asking her questions and they both actually seem to get on very well together.

"Hi." She says as she comes and sits beside me. I'm hiding under the breakfast table which happens to be quite small, so with Cassandra here, all space is gone. We're both very close and I can smell her perfume again, it's making me think bad things.

"Hi." I manage to croak out.

She whispers, "I like Sam. He seems like a decent guy, and he's fun to be around."

I whisper back, "He is, yeah. He's a bit cracked, as well."

"Why would you say that?"

"You'll see when Suzanna comes."

"Okay..." She says.

Everyone's still whispering and talking quietly, which is creating a light humming around the whole place. But there's silence between Cassandra and I. I can't properly see her because it really is dark, but I can feel her next to me. I can feel her slow breathing; I can feel the light movement of her chest as she inhales and exhales. I can feel her warm, soft skin next to mine; her bare arm brushing against mine every so often, sending chills all over my body. I can feel the heat that is radiating off of her and spreading all over me.

I turn my head sideways to look at her. Bad idea. Because she turns her face at the exact same moment to look at me. Her face is so close to mine, I can see the outline of her facial features. I look into her eyes, and see that spark. The hidden light that only her green eyes seem to have; like she has a light of her own.

We're both too close. Way too close than we should be, because I can feel her breath on my face. I can hear her light gasp as she feels the warmth that is spreading between us. I swallow and move my face forward the tiniest bit. She does the same. I can feel her nervous breathing, because it's mirroring mine. My stomach is twisting and churning as we both inch forward, as slowly as we can.

The darkness in the room keeps us hidden; like we're something sacred that cannot be shared with the world. I part my lips and take a quiet, ragged breath; my body aching to finally feel her. Our noses touch and-


We both move back so suddenly that both our heads hit the table as everyone welcomes Suzanna. The lights turn on and break the magical spell of the darkness. We quickly get out from under the table and furiously rub our heads. We both give an awkward laugh, neither of us admitting what was about to happen.

"Oh my God, you guys! Sam! You absolute darling!" Suzanna coos as she does a horrible acting of being surprised.

Cassandra looks at me with her eyebrows raised up and she's trying so hard to stifle a laugh that I burst out laughing. She starts giggling as well and says, "She already knew! She's acting to be surprised!"

I shake my head and say, "I told you Sam's a bit cracked."

She covers her mouth and in between fits of laughter says, "Oh my God.. He told her.. Jesus Christ.. This is gold."

"Well, well, well. Someone's having a good time." Suzanna comes up with a bright smile on her face, oblivious to the fact that we were both making fun of the couple and their silliness. Cassandra straightens herself and I clear my throat.

"Cassandra, this is Suzanna; the lovely and totally surprised birthday girl." She smacks me on the arm playfully and Cassandra just giggles.

I continue, "Zanna, this is Cassandra."

"Happy birthday," Cassandra says. "It's really nice to meet-"

Zanna pulls her into a hug and holds her tight. Cassandra has a confused and shocked look on her face as Zanna squeals, "Ohhhh it's so great to finally meet you!!"

She pulls back but holds Cassandra by the shoulder. "I've heard so much about you!"

Okay, this is bad. This is very bad. Because 1) Zanna is lying. I have never talked about Cassandra to her apart from that phone call and 2) She's making me sound like someone obsessed!

Zanna continues, "Tyler talks about you all the time."

I'm gonna kill her. Wait till her birthday party is over, I'm gonna strangle her to death.

Cassandra looks at me with one of her eyebrows raised up in a perfect arch. "Really? Is that so?"

"I do not!" I protest. "She's bluffing."

"Yeah, yeah." Zanna dismisses me and rolls her eyes. "Let's leave these two boys alone and let's have some girl time, yeah?"

She takes Cassandra's hand and pulls her to go. Cassandra turns her head to look at me. It's one of those looks that hold you captive; that take your breath away because you can't detach your gaze. She felt it too, what happened under the table. It's evident from her face. Before I can say anything or hold her back, she disappears into the crowd.

And just like that, our moment is over.

- H <3

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