"Oh, shut up! Who won??" He continues.

"She did. She's a pro, man."

"You lost?!" Zanna screams. "You have never lost any game!"

"Like I said, she's a pro. She hit a strike every single time." I simply said.

"Did she enjoy?" Sam asks. It's like they're taking turns asking questions.

"I think she did. She seemed to be having a good time." I seriously hope she had a nice time. When I dropped her at her place, she did tell me that she had a great time.

"Did you kiss her?" Both of them ask at the same time.

I sigh hopelessly and say, "No. I didn't."

Silence. Utter silence. None of them say even a single word. I swear I can literally hear the tick-tock of the clock, it's that quiet right now.

Then they both burst out laughing like maniacs.

"Yeah, right!" Sam says snorting. "Tyler Chase, took a girl out on a date-"

"It wasn't a date-"

"And didn't kiss her. Nope. Not believing you." He finishes.

"Same here!" Suzanna chirps in. "There is no way in hell I'm believing that you didn't kiss her. Hell, you probably got laid last night. I can swear on it!"

They're both going hysterical. What the hell is so funny about me not kissing a girl? Okay, well, it's unbelievable not NOT funny.

"Guys, I'm serious! I didn't kiss her. I dropped her home, she got out of the car, told me she had a great time and that we should hangout more often, wished me goodnight and then went. I waited for her to go inside and then I drove off."

Silence. Again. I hate these two.

"You.. You didn't even go inside her house?" Sam looks so shocked, his eye balls are bulging out out his sockets.

"For the last time," I take a deep, frustrated breath and continue, "No. I did not go inside."

"Well, fuck.." Zanna says. I can actually picture the amused look on her face.

"Wait," Sam begins. "Did you not have a good time?"

"What? I had a great time! I can't wait to see her again!" I bite my tongue. I shouldn't have said that.

"Ooooh!!" Zanna coos and Sam whistles. I press the heels of my palm on my eyes and say, "Okay, enough. Get out, Sam. Bye Zanna."

"Wait, wait!" She says. "Bring her to my birthday party on Monday!"

I look at Sam and frown. "I thought you said it's a surprise!"

He sheepishly says, "I couldn't hide it from her so I told her I'd give her a surprise."

Are you kidding me?! Who the fuck made him a lawyer?

"Tyler, come on! Bring her on Monday. I really wanna meet her. I wanna know who this girl is who's got you on your toes."

I sigh. There's nothing really that I can do. Honestly, even I kinda want Cassandra to meet them.
"Alright. I'll ask her if she's free, and if she is then I'll bring her."

"That's my man!" Sam boastfully says and gives me a pat on the back.

Zanna squeals, "Great! Oh my God! I'm so excited!"

I roll my eyes and signal Sam to go now. He happily nods and says, "Alright, man. See you on Monday, then."

"See you, Tyler!" Zanna sings. Literally, sings.

"Bye guys." Sam puts the phone off of speaker and brings it to his ear, talking to Zanna. He leaves and I fall back on my chair. How did I miss this hyper side of these two idiots? Jeez, they made me feel like a 13 year old.

So the interrogation is done, now I have to call and ask Cassandra if she can come.


So, it's Sunday evening and I still haven't called Cassandra yet.

Not that I'm nervous or anything. Okay, fine. Maybe I am a bit nervous. But not because I have to call and invite her to the party, it's because she might feel uncomfortable. I mean, we just hung out properly once. And now I'm inviting her to my friend's girlfriend's birthday party.

Also, I'm a little bit confused. I didn't get any dream last night. Even if I did, Cassandra wasn't in it. Weird, no? Oh well, I shouldn't worry about it too much. It's just a dream.

I pick my phone and search for her name in the contacts. I had asked for her number when I dropped her home Friday night. She didn't hesitate to give it to me, which I was very glad at.

She picks up on the fourth ring.
"Hello?" Her voice makes me forget what I was gonna ask. Come to think of it, I have never really heard her say 'hello'. Huh.

"Is anyone there?"

"Yeah! Hi! It's me, Tyler." I shake my thoughts away.

"Oh, hey Tyler! How are you?"

I smile and say, "I'm good. How are you?"

"Been well. What's up?"

"I was wondering.. Well, there's this friend of mine, Sam, and it's his girlfriend's birthday on Monday. So I was thinking if you'd like to go with me?"

"Uh.. I don't mean to be rude or anything, but, what am I gonna do there..? I don't know anyone."

"You know me." I blurt and mentally slap myself.

She simply says, "I do."

Just this simple statement makes me breathless. It's like she didn't even have to think, to ponder over, but she just said she knows me. Like she always has, like it's the most natural thing in the world.

I clear my throat and say, "So, you'll come? I mean, if you're free. I know you have work, but the party starts at seven so I can pick you up.."

"Let me check if I'm free. One second."

Please say yes, please, please, please say yes...

"I'm free." She says cheerfully.

Hell yeah!

"Great, then! See you tomorrow." I tell her

"See ya!"

I hang up and sigh happily.

I love Sam and Suzanna so effing much! They're like this fuzzy ball of sunshine. Gah I'm so glad they're in this story! ^-^
And thank you, everyone, who's been reading and keeping up with Ashling. Really, it means a lot.
- H <3

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