The Final Show E

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September 9th 2038

Mia's POV

A lot of things change over the course of time. But one thing that hasn't is my love for my wife, my kids and music. Music has been my rock for years and it still is. I still turn to it when I'm down or upset and it always make me feel better.

Over the years I would release songs to my fans to always give them something. Once the kids got older I got back to writing albums. I released four more over the past 13 years. I have toured around the world and a lot here in the US as well. Right now I'm at my last show for this tour. We are in Los Angeles and the family is here, well almost everybody. Demi, Gianna and Logan and their two kids, Kenzie and Michaela. Levi isn't here.

Ever since he was little, Levi always talked about being a solider. Link and his buddies were still around for the most part of his childhood and they always played fight games and things like that. When he turned 17 two years ago he came to Demi and I and asked if he could enlist in the military. At first Demi wouldn't let him do it, he begged and talked with Demi for days to try and change her mind but she wouldn't budge.

After a week of hearing Levi beg her I had to have a talk with her. I supported my son's decision to join. I didn't really want him to go in at 17, but if that is what he really wanted to do I was going to support him. Demi and I had a heated conversation about it. It took me a few days to get her to finally come around. A few weeks after his 17th birthday Demi and I went with him to the recruiters office and signed all of the paperwork. Levi chose to become a Marine, just like Link.

Demi, Gianna, Kenzie, Michaela and I all took him to the Marine Corp Depot in San Diego. When we left my heart broke a bit. Michaela wouldn't stop crying, I almost had to just throw her over my shoulder and carry her away. Michaela and Levi are really close. I don't know what it is but they are. Kenzie is close with both of them but she has a better relationship with Gianna then the other two.

So after seeing him off we left and only heard from him twice. When we spoke with the recruiter, Demi and I asked him if Levi could just join under my last name. Stone is a common last name and nobody is really going to think too much into it. If he enrolled with his full last name, Lovato-Stone, Demi and I thought he would be a much easier target. The recruiter thought it over and thought it would be a good idea so Levi enlisted as Levi Stone.

Those 12 weeks felt like the longest of my life. Demi and both got ourselves busy with music and helping Kenzie get ready for college. Michaela kind of got forgotten for a bit and I felt really bad. Once I started to realize it I had her come down to the studio with me and help me out with this album. She has some producing credit on it and will get whatever royalties are made. I set up accounts for both her and Gianna for their money from music. I still haven't told them and I probably won't for a while. It's going to be their rainy day fund. Their rainy day fun with over a few million dollars in it.

But finally they came to the end and Levi graduated from basic training as a Marine. The day before graduation we got to go to Family Day. It was interesting to say the least. We got to meet Levi's follow recruits and his instructors. Only a few of them took double takes at us but other then that everything was good. It was really cool to get to meet some of his fellow recruits. They were all really chill and all of them looked over Kenzie and Michaela a few times, till I stepped in front of them and gave them death glares. After that they stopped. The rest of the day was nice and we were really excited for the graduation.

Link came with us to the graduation and Levi was so excited. This was what he wanted to do ever since he was little. I can tell that he wants to make a career out of the military. Getting to watch Levi walk across the road during graduation made me so proud. I am so proud of my son graduating. The ceremony its self took about an hour and a half.

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