Writing E

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Mia's POV

            Monday morning came early and Cara picked Gianna up for school. The girls are coming over around noon to start writing with me. After there Reflection album 5H started to pick up steam. The summer and fall of 2015 for them was a world wind. With there rising fame they recorded and released their second album in May of 2016, with a little help from me. They have been touring all summer and promoting their album and it earned them a lot of awards and recognition from a lot of music's high-ranking stars.

            It might even get them a Grammy this year. I think they are up for Best New Artist and Best Pop Duo / Group Album. It's going to be really good for them to start writing their own songs though. They want more control over there music and there sound and this will do it for them. Lauren has told me this is what she has been wanting to do for a while now, I'm not sure if the other girls want to go in this direction but I know it will help them in the long run.

            I got myself busy and tied up in the studio downstairs working on my own stuff I didn't hear them at the door. It took Lauren calling me three times for me to actually look at my phone and let them in. I have to work on my own album while I help them so it's going to be a challenge.

            When I pulled the door open I saw the girls standing in on my front porch. I let them and they looked around the new house. I showed them around a bit only for a few minutes. We needed to get down to business.

"So, do you guys have anything you want to write about for the album?" I asked them as I sat down in my chair. They all filed in and took a seat somewhere in the room.

            Something is off though. They aren't there normal bubbly happy self's. I have heard rumors about them wanting to spilt up or going to work on different projects but I haven't believed it.

"Is there anything you want to tell me?" I asked again, but still got no answer. "Okay, just get in the booth, now." I said and clapped my hands to get their attention.

            I grabbed my guitar from the booth before closing them inside. When I had them install the door I asked for it to lock from the outside as well as the inside. So I locked them in and sat back down.

"Mia, what do you want us to do?" Camila asked.

"Work out whatever problems you have. Once you do, then and only then, will I be able to help you." I said before turning off the mic and going back to writing my own music.

            These last couple of weeks I have been going to the Veteran Hall with Link and his buddies. I have gotten to meet some other active and non-active military personal and it has been amazing. It has inspired me to write a song about them. Demi has told me that I have an ability to tell a story when I write. So that's what I plan on doing for this song.

            Every couple of minutes I would look up from the sheet in front of me to make sure they haven't killed each other. The first few times I looked up nobody has moved or done anything. But this time when I looked up I saw them all yelling at each other. Out of curiosity I opened the mic and listened in.

"Why is this so hard?" Lauren yelled.

"Because none of us wants this anymore!" Normani yelled back.

"Is that the really reason or is it because we all have other things going on behind each others backs?" Lauren yelled again. She seems the most pissed off out of everybody.

"Normani, you're still dancing along with Sean. Dinah is getting asked for movies left and right. Ally's ready to start a family. Camila starting college. Do any of you really want this anymore? Am I the only one?" Lauren yelled with tears in her eyes.

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