Time E

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August 18th 2024

Mia's POV

Time truly flies when you're happy. My life is truly never been better. Kenzie and Levi have been nothing but a blessing, especially Kenzie. It's been five years since they were born and I have tried to conceive again but they never worked. Demi ended up having another little girl, Michaela Joy, on June 17th 2022.

Demi's second pregnancy went better then the first because of the fact she could really enjoy being pregnant. The first time she was worried about me and how I was dealing with it that she couldn't enjoy it.

Gianna on the other hand is almost done with graduate school. She has one more year before she graduates and starts working for Doctor Brittni Brown. Now 23, and engaged to Logan, she loves her life the city. Logan ended up moving across the country when he finished school to be with her. And on top of everything else she is 6 years cancer free. It never came back and Demi and I couldn't be happier.

Speaking of my wife, she is laying with her head on my chest. Over the past 5 years nothing between us has really changed. We are still both deeply in love with each other and that will never change. She has taken a step back from the music world and so have I. Neither of us have wanted to go back to music at least for now. I know when our kids get older that's going to change but for now we are enjoying our time as a family.

Every once and I while I would release a random song for fans and produce music for other artist but I haven't made a full album since Hell and Back. Simon isn't happy that one of his top artists isn't working for him right now but I could care less. When he has artists that he wants me to work with I would take the two-hour plane ride into LA and work with them. That way we are still able to be out of the spotlight while we raise our kids.

Demi started to stir in her sleep and I watched as she opened her eyes and looked around our bedroom before her eyes landed on me. She smiled up at me and kissed my exposed chest.

"Good morning love" I said and kissed her head. She smiled and buried her head into my neck.

"Good morning" She mumbled and smiled.

We really didn't get much more alone time together because our bedroom door opened and in walked my miracle child. After Mackenzie I tried to have another child a year after she was born, and when that failed I tried two more times. When the last attempt didn't work I knew I wouldn't be able to bare another child so I stopped trying. My OBGYN still finds it a miracle that Kenzie even made it as after as she did.

Being pre-mature, Demi and I had to watch her a lot right after she was born. We had to take her to many doctor visits so they can monitor her growth and make sure everything is okay. For being a preemie Mackenzie was smaller then most kids her age and her brother, but once she hit three she started get bigger and caught up to her brother. Now she is a normal, healthy 5 year old.

Kenzie has her teddy bear and blanket in hand as she walked over to our bed and jumped onto it. She looked at Demi and I before climbing onto my lap and getting under the covers. I ran a hand through her bedhead and kissed her head when I was done. I ended up taking a hair tie from my wrist and put her brown hair up in a bun.

"What's wrong Mac?" Demi asked.

"I don't know." She said before getting in between us.

"We both know that's not true." I said looking into my daughter's big green eyes.

"I had a bad dream." She said quietly.

"What was it about?" Demi asked.

"When mommy would leave she wouldn't come back." Mackenzie said before hugging her teddy bear.

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