Graduation E

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Demi's POV

Today my little baby is graduating high school at the top of her class. Mia and I couldn't be prouder of her. Today is huge, and so is tomorrow. Tomorrow Mia's third album, Hell and Back drops and her and Gianna leave for the Mega Tour. The past two months have been very busy. I got back from tour at the beginning of the month and was thrown into the madness. Mia finished her album at the beginning of the month and now she had to start filming music videos. She has done four so far, one a week, for the last four weeks .

With her recovery it was hard on her especially when they filmed the video for The Ghost of You. It's dedicated to veterans and active duty military. I got to see the final cut and I was amazed by it. They shot it out in the desert in Arizona and got it all done in a week. It's set in a modern day USO dance and they go back and forth from the dance to the battlefield. In the battlefield Mia is the leader of group as they walk through a town, when they get ambushed. She was able to get everybody to safety except Mark. It was really moving.

Anyway back to today. We just got the school and took our seats. There are only six tickets given to each graduate so we let Gianna choose who she wanted to invite. We only let her pick two other people because we needed to bring both Link and Max with us. She invited Logan and surprised us both in inviting Doctor Brittni Brown. We didn't say anything about her choice but accepted that Brittni would be joining us.

The graduation was going great so far. Mia and I were both curious to hear Gianna's speech though. So we just listened as the principle droned on for a while before Gianna was called up to speak. She got out of her chair and placed her papers on the podium and looked out at the crowd.

"I would just like to thank the administration for letting me speak her today, to my fellow classmates of the graduating class of 2017. We made it!" She said and the class yelled in excitement. Once she settled down she started speaking again.

"For most of us, our next stop is college, for others, they are leaving the nest of there parents house to go on a great adventure, and for those who don't know what they want to do with their lives yet, that moment will come. That moment came for me after my mothers wedding." Gianna said and looked up from her papers.

She saw us in the crowd and smile. Once she settled her nerves again she started again. I looked over at Mia and she gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"There wedding was magical. I on the other hand knew there was something wrong with me. I ended up fainting the morning after and being rushed to the hospital. Later that day I was diagnosed with stage 3 Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia. Death was knocking on my door. There were days in the hospital were I didn't want to live anymore.

"But I had to push through it. At that time I didn't know what Gods plan was for me yet but now I do. I just want to thank my oncologist Doctor Brittni Brown for getting me to this point. I can say that I'm now 7 months cancer free." Gianna said and smiled.

Mia and I shouted loudly. A lot of other people clapped and whistled and Gianna flipped her papers.

"One thing that I have learned, that everybody should take from my speech, is that you need to live the life you want to live. If you are living to appease someone else, stop. Set your own dreams and follow through on them. Chase them until you can reach them, and once you reach them make new ones." Gianna flipped to her last page and smiled.

"After reaching the goal of beating my cancer I set a new one. By studying really hard and surpassing my own expectations I was able to make a new goal. One of becoming a doctor, more specifically a pediatric oncologist, to join the fight in destroying pediatric cancer.

"For my fellow graduates please go chase your dreams. Even if you don't think they are possible, they are." Gianna said and smiled at the crowd.

Mia stood up and yelled like crazy. I had to pull her down and keep her quiet while the other people got to speak. Mia helped me wipe away the tears that fell from my eyes. It was like they wouldn't stop. I almost missed Gianna walking across the stage to get her diploma. I recorded that on my phone and I was going to save that forever. Our first child graduating high school, our baby is growing up.

After the ceremony we went back to our house and my family and Mia's came over. This was the first time they have been to the new house and they both approved of it. Mia's mothers flew in for today and so did my parents. They were both really excited. Mia was really excited to see her younger siblings and Paul who came up without Karina. She had to stay in Dallas because she had to work. So she allowed the newly 12-year-old boy to come up with his Aunts.

Mia was surprised but loved the surprise. The party we had for Gianna was pretty big. But our daughter's high school graduation was a big deal. Gianna didn't want to go to her prom though. I wasn't surprise by that but Mia and I have something planed for her and Logan. As the night drew out everybody had a great time.

After everybody went home, well almost everybody, Mia and I are letting Logan stay the night seeing as Gianna and Mia are leaving tomorrow for the Mega Tour. I just helped Mia pack the last of her stuff. The first show is here in California at Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum. I am also leaving tomorrow for a month long tour in Europe. I'll be meeting them when the tour hits New York.

"Are you sure you won't be able to come tomorrow?" Mia asked as we settled down in bed.

"Yea, I have a 8am flight to New York tomorrow then I'm getting on the jet for England." I said and put my head on her chest.

Mia's slowing heartbeat is all I could hear. This is the one thing I look forward to hearing everyday. The steady heartbeat of my wife, knowing that she is alive and with me. Mia didn't say anything else but just kissed my forehead. I went to sleep that night both excited and sadden for the next day.

song on the side is on Mia's album and its called ghost of you. the video is kind of how i imagined mia's just set in a more modern time. picture on the side is of Gianna.

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