Oh Baby E

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Mia's POV

Finally. All of my family drama is over. My mother is going to rot in prison for the rest of her life and I can start breathing again. I can really start to live now. After the trial Demi and I decided to stay in Texas. We are close to our family and nothing is planed. I'm still working on other artist music but it's all from home.

Back in February Demi and I went to the Grammy's both being nominated for awards. It was a big deal for Demi and I was just happy we weren't in the same category for anything. We ended up walking away with everything we were nominated for.

I just turned 22 and for my birthday I made a promise to Demi. She is starting to have baby fever and since I never really like to do anything for my birthday I told her that we would go for checkups and try to get pregnant. Demi was so over the moon it was crazy. We made love all night long and almost missed our appointments because we didn't sleep.

Lets face it. Everybody hates going to the gyno. For me going to the gyno is a nightmare. Some times things go fine and I'm in and out. But this time because of everything that just happened with the trial, I ended up having a panic attack. It was so bad that I had to leave the office for a few minutes to calm down. When I settled down I went back inside and the doctor looked me over. I don't think I would have made it through the exam if it weren't for Demi.

Everything looked good for her. Me on the other hand it would be a miracle if I can carry a child to full term. Demi didn't care. She drove us to the clinic were we learned all about making a baby. We learned a lot about what it is going to take to make a baby. I don't really want to be shot up with sperm when the time is right but Demi wants me to try and conceive a child.

So I went a long with it. March was full of getting timing right. Demi and I have been together for so long now that our cycles overlap so it makes it a bit easier. So once we figured it out we drove back over to the clinic and the doctor shot both Demi and I up with sperm from a donor we picked on June 15th of 2018.

Demi and I left Texas after that and went back to LA to greet Gianna. She came a few days after we did and we had plans to stay in LA for the summer before going back down to Texas for the winter.

I got a bit busy again because now that I was back in LA, Simon wanted me to meet and write and work with some of his new artists. When I wasn't working with music I enjoyed family time with Demi and Gianna. Logan and G didn't leave each others side for the first few days Gianna was home. But as the summer went on they got a bit better at it.

Demi and I both kind of forgot about getting inseminated because life got in the way. For me missing a period isn't really a big deal and I didn't think anything about missing July. But then August came and started to go without any sign of getting it I kind of got nervous. I didn't know what to do and I didn't tell Demi. As far as I knew Demi could be pregnant as while because she hasn't gotten her period yet either.

The summer went quickly and before we knew it Demi and I where taking Gianna back to Columbia to start her second year of college. We moved her back in on Demi's 25th birthday. After we finished we were going to take her out somewhere nice in the city before going back to the hotel for the night. I didn't feel good all day and couldn't really figure out what was wrong with me. I felt like I was feverish, I was dizzy, I also had some cramps so I just thought I was going to get my period soon.

So the day went on and I tried to push everything to the back of my mind to help Gianna finish moving in. But my health got in the way of that. Demi noticed I didn't feel good all day and Gianna even pick up on it as we were finishing up. Just as we were saying goodbye to Gianna I fainted. I just dropped like a rock to the floor and I woke up in a hospital bed.

One World (Demi Lovato Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora