Partyy E

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Mia's POV

Today's the day! Gianna is finally getting to leave the hospital. Demi and I have been planning for this day since we learned G would be released. All of our family flew in for this because we have kind of been in our own bubble. With Gianna being sick Demi and I didn't, and still really haven't, reached out to any of our families or friends. So we decided to throw a coming home party. We invited most of Gianna's friends along with our family and friends .

Come to think of it, this will be our last party in the apartment. All of our stuff is ready to go and moved into the house. I think Gianna's room is the only one we haven't really touched. We know that she is going to want to go through her things so that's why Demi and I haven't started packing it up yet.

Right now Demi and I are finishing cleaning up the house. There isn't much to clean now, it's more like getting everything in order. We are ordering food from Gianna's favorite restaurant and Wesley is going to pick it up before coming here. He has a key so he will just let himself in. Logan is already at the hospital and has been for the last couple of days. Needless to say I'm surprised his parents haven't given him problems with all the time they have been spending together. Demi and I still haven't met his parents and we won't be tonight, we thought that we would have them over for dinner later in the week instead of throwing them into the mix tonight.

I'm excited for this party though. My friend Ali came up from Texas, which when I found out that she would be coming, I was super excited. I haven't seen her in what feels like forever, even though I saw her at the wedding. I'm really excited about seeing her because we didn't really have a lot of time to talk when we had the wedding. I'm finally getting a chance to talk to her later and I can't wait.

The doorbell rang and I ran to grab it. I pulled it open and saw my best friend standing there. She didn't even give me a chance to say anything before she crushed me into a hug. When we pulled apart I got a chance to look at her.

"You look great!" I said.

"So do you, I have something to tell you though." She said.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Mia we need to go" Demi said and saw Ali standing in the doorway. They hugged and said hello to each other but Demi pulled me out the door before Ali could tell me what she wanted to.

Demi and I ran down to my car, both of us are way to excited about getting Gianna. I gave Demi my camera since I'm going to be driving and she is trying to start recording.

"Demi's is not that hard, it's the red button." I said for the third time.

"I got it" She said. I turned my head to her and gave her a look.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"I'm positive." Demi said. I started laughing and continued to make our way to the hospital.

"So what's today?" Demi asked me.

"Today is Gianna's release!" I said a bit loudly.

"Easy babe" Demi said and laughed.

"You can't blame me that I'm excited." I said and took the exit getting off of the expressway.

I parked out front of the hospital because I knew we wouldn't be long. I took the camera from Demi and we both got out of my car. Demi's hand landed right in mine as we walked to the pediatrics cancer unit. Waiting at the nurses station was Brittni. Her hair is up in her normal bun with her glasses on clipboard in hand. Her smile is something that can light up the whole floor.

"Here is the paperwork. We just need your autographs on the dotted lines and Gianna is free to go." Brittni said and fanned out the paperwork.

We signed a lot of papers and Brittni gave us four different bottles of pills G has to take daily. We also set up G's first follow up appointment, which will be a week from today. For the next month G's appointments will be weekly. The form of Leukemia G has is very aggressive and if it comes back it will be a lot worse then this time. Brittni also went over things we should look for. Like nosebleeds, random bruises, not eating, vomiting blood and the list goes on.

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