House Hunting E

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Mia's POV

After the night we had, Demi and I stayed in bed all morning. We told Gianna of our plan to look for a house and she wants to come with us. Brittni wouldn't allow her to leave the hospital though, so we came up with facetimeing her when we went to the different houses. As of right now we have five in total that we are going to look at today. Only two of the ten Demi was looking at are still available to be bought. So after getting out of bed around two-ish we hit the road and made our way to the first house.

The first house was in the middle of LA and out of the school district. We wanted to keep G in the same district because it's going to be her senior year this year. Well as long as she catches up with her schoolwork she won't have to repeat the year. But she should be good, when she is awake and feeling good she does a lot of her schoolwork. The house was huge. It looks like it can hold at least four different families and they would never bother each other.

Demi try to look excited has we walked through the house but I knew she didn't like it either. Her real estate agent just kept talking when I interrupted him.

"Where's the next house, we are done with this one." I said with sass. Demi tried her best to hold back a laugh but she was failing. The guy just looked at me and I rolled my eyes at him. Demi bust out laughing and followed me out of the house.

The second is just on the outer rim of the district and it was more secluded, something Demi and I both want. There is a gate leading up to the house. This house is smaller then the other one we saw but it's not small by any means. The real estate agent didn't look too happy about showing us this house but we didn't care. I could tell by Demi's face that she liked this house. This house has 10 bedrooms, some small some large, and 7 bathrooms, along with a basement we could convert part of it into a home studio, a pool in the backyard, and a four car garage. Speaking of the backyard, it's huge. This property sits on two acres of land. All around the house is trees and bushes so nobody could really see us unless they want to crawl through the shrubs.

After we looked around the backyard we went back inside and looked all around the house. The living room, kitchen, Demi had to see the bathrooms while I went downstairs again to look at the basement. The real estate guy said that the house was just built and nobody has lived here yet. We would be the first people to live here. Once we heard that I pulled Demi away from him and walked back outside.

When I closed the door Demi squealed and started jumping up and down. I couldn't help but laugh at her silliness.

"So I'm guessing this one is the winner?" I asked.

"Yes, oh my god, this house is perfect!" She said. I kissed her cheek and opened the back door.

"We'll take it!" I yelled back to the guy.

"Great, now could you please come inside so we could finalize the details." He said and picked up his phone.

"Demi where did you find this guy?" I asked.

"I think my mom found him when I started looking and she called him to help me look." She said.

I just nodded and went along with Demi back inside to the cranky real estate agent. He went over all of the documents and the price and the large deposit we had to leave to secure the house. The total asking price of the house was 5 million. But I got the guy to drop it down to 4 when I said I would be able to give his check by the end of the week. He left after that and Demi and I walked around the house a little bit more before calling Gianna.

"Gianna's phone" Some guy said.

"Who is this?" I asked getting nervous.

"It's Jake, Mrs. Stone, Gianna is in the bathroom right now, can see call you back?" He asked.

"Can you put the phone on speaker please Jake and bring it to the door?" I asked back.

"Okay" He said and I heard him move around.

"Gianna your mom is on the phone." He said.

"Can you tell them I'm in the bathroom?" She asked.

"It's on speaker just listen." He said.

"G, listen Demi and I have some news to tell you." Before I could get it out Demi beat me to it.

"Gianna we bought a house!" Demi yelled next to me through the phone.

"No way really?" We heard her yell back.

Jake took the phone off of speaker and told me that Gianna would be right out. A few seconds later Gianna picked up the phone and demanded that we tell her everything. Demi took the phone from me and did most of the talking while I scoped out the house. Idea's are all ready firing in my head about everything I wanted to and add to the house, to make it a home.

After Demi was done on the phone we left our new house and went to have dinner. Since Jake was with G she said that we didn't need to visit. After we were sure Demi hung up and we went to dinner. Demi was spitting out ideas at me for décor of the house while I was talking about the studio I want to build in the basement. When we were done with dinner we left the restaurant, well tried too.

Paparazzi showed up and decided to create a lot of drama for us. First they crowded around the exit of the restaurant making it impossible to get to the car. The valet had a hard enough time getting my car through the crowd. Demi wanted to wait till she could get a hold of Max or Sugar or if I called Link but I told her we would be fine.

"Just don't let go of me okay?" I said. Demi nodded and grabbed onto my jacket. I pushed her out of the door and tried to shield her from them. I did an okay job and we made it to the car. She got inside and I went around to the driver's side and got in. I honked and the paps finally got away from the front of my car and I was able to drive away.

The next day I had some meetings for the movie because filming is starting and Demi went to speak with the owner of the apartment building we currently live in. She forgot about the fact that the lease isn't up until the end next year. She want's to see if she can bump that date up to the end of this year.

Meeting went well and shooting will start on the first of November here in LA. I only agreed to that date because they are filming this movie completely here in LA. I'm mainly needed for the month of November, after that they work till the end of December with the rest of the cast and I'm only needed if I need to do re-takes of a seen.

My throat is still a bit scratchy but it's to be expected. This reaction hit hard because I wasn't excepting it at all. The doctor said that if Demi didn't get my EpiPen when she did my throat would have closed completely. Doctor Holl explained that this allergy is worse then the egg one. This allergy can kill me, very quickly if I don't have an EpiPen near by or if an ambulance doesn't come quick enough.

The breathing treatments will forever suck but there is nothing I can do about them. I need them to make sure I didn't screw up my throat. I will just have to deal with them for the time being.

After we were done at our respective meetings we met at the apartment. Demi said that the landlord would bump the end of our lease up to the end of this year without a problem. I filled Demi in on the filming schedule and she said that once we are settled into our new house she is going on tour to promote her album. I told her that sounds like a plan and since I have nothing else coming up but the Mega Tour in the summer I'll probably start working on a new album.

When we were done with all of that, Demi agreed that we should take a year or two off to start a family. I was fine with that. If she asked me to drop everything and have a baby right now, I would find a way to do it. We also started to make plans for Christmas. I called my parents and asked them if they wanted to come here for the holiday and they agreed. I haven't seen my younger siblings in a while now and I miss them. They are turning three this year and I'm excited to see them running and walking around on their own. Brooklyn and Melissa facetime with me so I can see them every once in a while but other then that I haven't seen them since the wedding. Demi's family is going to come up also, so it will be one big reunion.

Things are looking up, finally. Gianna is going to be done with chemo in a week and out of the hospital in 2, her birthday is right around the corner, the new house is waiting for us to make it a home and I'm going to be getting back to making music soon.

Picture of the house they bought is on the side.

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