Recovery E

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Demi's POV

As I watched my wife walk away from my heart felt like it was just ripped out of my chest and I couldn't breath. My legs crumbled under me and I fell to the floor.

"Demi what's going on?" I heard Marissa say. My eyes focused in on hers and I took a breath.

"Mia, she left to go face her mother and I don't think she is coming back." I sobbed into my best friends arms.

"She's coming back don't worry about it. Right now you have to be strong for your daughter who just woke up and is asking where her mom went." Marissa said in my ear.

Hearing about my daughters concern I realize I have to be strong for her. Mia will come back to me. She won't leave me alone in this life. Even if she does, I wouldn't be able to live without her. Marissa helped me up off the ground and we walked to a bathroom to clean my face up before going back to my dressing room.

When we got there I saw Gianna sitting up on her phone with a puzzled expression on her face. I was about to open my mouth when I saw someone else is in the room with her, Link. My sadness turned to anger as his eyes met mine. He is here, and didn't go with her?! I walked right up to him as he got up and pushed him into the wall.

"You're here and you didn't go with her!" I yelled in his face. Link just clenched his jaw and stayed quiet.

"Answer me!" I yelled again and slapped him across the face.

"Demi" Marissa said and pulled me away from him.

"You are supposed to protect her Linkin! Not let her walk into her death!" I yelled at him as Marissa held me back.

"Demi she had to do this alone. You know this!" Link said.

Everything started to make sense in my head and as I stopped struggling Marissa let me go. I just sat on the floor and wrapped my hands around my head. My mind is trying to make sense of what Mia was thinking about when she agreed to go meet her mother. I know she needs closure, but nothing good can come out of this. The last time she was confronted by a family member she was shot. The wound wasn't bad but her mother is smarter then her father.

"Can you guys just please leave me alone for now. I'll be ready for the show, and if there is any news about Mia hold it till after the show. Once it's over Mia will be my number one priority." I said.

"You got it, but Gianna is waiting outside to talk to you and I'm going to let her in." Marissa said.

I just sighed and put my head on top of my knees. I really want to be by myself but I know that Gianna has questions that only I can answer. I heard the door open and people walked in and out. When I heard the door shut again I felt a hand on my shoulder. I lifted my head up and saw Gianna standing above me. She sat down next to me and put her arm around me.

"Can you tell me what is going on please, I'm really confused." She said. I leaned my head on her shoulder and took a deep breath.

It took me a little while to tell her just about everything I knew about Mia's mother and her past. I wasn't going to hold anything back this time because Mia's life could potentially be in danger. By the time I was done I needed to get ready for my show tonight. I'm disappointed that Mia won't be up on stage with me but I know she needs this.

So the show came and went without a hitch. I wasn't as bubbly and excited as I normally am but I kept my head up and powered through. As I came off the stage I grabbed a towel and went back to my dressing room hoping to find Mia waiting there for me unscathed. But when I opened my dressing room door I saw something I didn't want to see. Two police officers sitting with Gianna and Linkin.

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