In Real Life E

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Demi's POV

Mia left the table and ran off down the hall. Her phone is still at the table and still on. I picked it up and looked at it.

"Mia?" I heard Simon say.

"Simon, its Demi. Mia uhm Mia had to go, I'll get her to call you back later." I said trying to piece together the right words.

"Alright, just make sure that she calls me back soon we have to go over some stuff." Simon said. I just hung up the phone and rubbed my forehead.

I threw the food out in the trash and walked off to go find Mia. I didn't really have a clue where she was but one of the nurses just pointed towards the bathroom. I went into the bathroom and heard someone sniffling.

I locked the door behind me and found Mia in the second stall. The door wasn't even shut, but there she was sitting on the floor crying into her hands. Seeing her this way broke my heart.

"Mia" I said and sat down next to her. I pulled her head out of her hands and made her look at me.

"She's sick Demi" Mia said and more tears fell down her face.

"I know she is but sitting in the bathroom crying your eyes out won't change anything." I said.

"How are you holding yourself together?" Mia asked and wiped her face.

"I had a moment with my mom earlier." I said, leaving out the fact that I practically had a panic attack because of my breakdown earlier.

"How are we going to get through this?" Mia asked.

"I don't know but we will get through it together. Come on, we have a daughter to see." I said.

I pulled Mia up off the floor and handed her a piece of gum for her bad breath. Once her breath didn't stink anymore we walked out of the bathroom and down to Gianna's room. She was still asleep when we got there so we just watched her sleep for a while. When she woke up she talked about what she wanted to do and she said that she wants to go back to LA for treatment. I'm pretty sure she wants to go back to LA because she has her friends and boyfriend there.

Needless to say Mia wasn't that happy when Gianna told us. She tried to get Gianna to change her mind but she didn't want to go to Texas. Melissa called her friend for us and she called another someone to get us in with a doctor next week. Gianna had to recoup at the hospital for a few days before we could leave.

Once she was good to go I booked us a flight and got the Jet to take us back to LA. Brooklyn and Melissa are going to come with us to meet Melissa's doctor friend just so they can explain everything to us. Susan and Peter are going to watch the twins so they can come with us. My mom wanted to come with us but I told her we will be okay and if not she can hop the next plane to come see us.

Everything moved quickly when she was able to be released on the following Monday. After spending the weekend in the hospital we were all ready to get out of here. Gianna has been quiet since she got here but I can understand that. She really hasn't showed any emotion toward her feelings about being sick but I know she will when she is ready. I know she told us that her mother dead of a brain tumor but she really didn't go so far into detail about it. I know it probably was a lot worse then what she told us so I know this will be hard.

Well Monday came and we were on our way back to LA instead of Africa. Mia had to cancel everything she planned and I put house hunting on hold also so I had to let go of the houses Gianna and I looked at already. We all were nervous about going back to LA. Natalie and Sara were both doing damage control and tried not to let it out to the news about Gianna's illness. The only people that know about her being sick is our close family and friends. They were already at it with stuff about our wedding. Right now they are telling us that nothing has leaked and I want to keep it that way.

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