Take Two E

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Mia's POV

After storming out of the room I bumped into someone and mumbled an apology before leaving the hospital.

"Linkin I'm coming over, call your friends." I said and hung up before speeding over to Links apartment. It only took about ten minutes to get there. When I walked in Links friends all stood up along with Link.

"What's going on?" He asked once he saw me.

"He broke up with Gianna because she's sick." I said. Links eyes glazed over and he left the room. He came back a minute later with his pistol and his car keys.

"You know where he lives right?" He asked.

"Hell yea I do." I said.

"Lets pay him a visit boys." Link said.

Link had 6 of his friend with him as we left. They all piled into there cars and we started towards Toms house. When we got there I wanted to watch the house for a little bit. I didn't want Toms parents answer the door. It took about an hour but I finally saw his mom leave. Once her car turned around the corner we all got out of our cars. I walked quickly towards the front door and pounded on it.

I pulled the bandanna around my face while the guys did the same. It only took a minute for the door to open to reveal Tom. I motioned my hands forward and Links buddies grabbed Tom and pinned him to the wall.

"What the hell?!" Tom said struggling against the guys.

"Try all you want, but your not going anywhere." I said. The rest of Links friends went around the house to make sure we were alone. Once they confirmed we were they all came back into the hallway and closed the front door.

"I made it very simple to you Tom, don't hurt my daughter. And what do you do? You fucken break up with her a day after she started chemo." I said and grabbed his face.

I know this might be a little much but he needed to be taught a lesson. Tom continued to struggle but I saw in his eyes he was afraid. My fist collided with his jaw first.

"That is for Demi who wishes she could hit you now but can't." I said then I punched him again.

"And that is for hurting my little girl." I said.

"If you tell anybody about what just happened your body will be buried six feet under in the desert." Link said and pulled up his shirt a little to show off his pistol. Even though it isn't loaded, it did the trick because Toms eyes went wide and he stopped struggling.

"Lets go" I said. Zach and Jack both let go of Tom and dropped him on the floor as I walked out the front door.

Link drove me back to his place where I thanked his friends. They all said that they will come by sometime in the week to visit G and I thanked them again. Link and I had a beer before I calmed down a bit more and drove myself back to the hospital to pick Demi up. When I got back I sat with Gianna for a few minutes. I moved some hair behind her ear and watched her sleep for a few minutes. Dan came in a few minutes later and told us we needed to go.

Demi and I drove home, she kept running her fingers over my bruised knuckles as I drove. When I pulled into the parking lot I reassured Demi that everything would be okay before we went up to our apartment.

When I woke up the next morning Demi wasn't in bed. I was just about to get up to see where she went when the bathroom door opened and Demi walked out.

"Good morning." She said and sat back down on the bed only in an over sized t-shirt and her underwear.

"Morning." I said as she laid back down in bed next to me. I put my head into the crock of her neck and I felt her kiss my forehead.

One World (Demi Lovato Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz