Drown E

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Mia's POV

After Demi left me in the bathtub things started to sink in. My mother is here, in Dallas. She is back. Things from my childhood all started to replay in my head like a bad movie. Nothing I could do would stop it. The clips would come and go and wouldn't stop. My eyes looked around the tub and settled on the plastic razor sitting on the ledge of the tub.

"No" I mumbled. I reached for the razor and grabbed it with my right hand and threw it at the wall.

I brought my hands up around my head and started rocking back and forth. It doesn't help that I'm still a bit drunk. Things are blurring around in my head and its getting harder for me to judge was is real and what isn't.

"Stop" I said.

The threats, the slaps, the names and words that were slung at me started to come like rapid fire and I'm having trouble breathing.

"Mia, Mia look at me baby." I heard Demi say. I opened my eyes again and found her looking back at me with worried eyes. I didn't say anything but two seconds later I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and pulled me out of the bathtub. A few towels wrapped around my naked body and I clung onto Demi.

"It's okay, she's not here, she can't hurt you." Demi said rubbing my back.

"She ruined another birthday of mine." I said and Demi sighed.

"Lets get you too bed." She said.

Demi helped me get dressed and we settled into my old bed. I crawled into her arms and she held onto me tight. It's just what I needed. Sleep came easy since I was kind of exhausted. I don't know how long I slept for but however long it was, it didn't feel like nearly enough. Demi was right by my side when I finally came too though, which I was grateful for. I don't know what would have happened if she wasn't here.

"I know you don't like talking about it but you need to give me something, Mia. It's kills me to see you like this." She said.

I know she deserve an explanation but I don't want to give it right now. My head is killing me from this hangover I gave myself and my chest is so tight with anxiety it feels like I can barely breath.

"I really need my inhaler." I said.

"Where is it?" Demi asked. I sat up in bed and coughed.

"Front pocket in my backpack." I answered. A few seconds later the inhaler is in my hand and I took a hit from it.

I closed my eyes and pulled my knees up to my chest. My chest slowly started to untighten as I started to control my breathing.

"My parents worked like a team to destroy me. My father was the psychical one when my mother waged the mental warfare." I said.

Demi looked into my eyes and put her hand on my cheek. I watched her eyes look over me. I couldn't tell what she wanted but I knew that she would want more of the details.

"You saw the video of her hitting me 4 years ago, that was as much as she would get to beating me. I didn't know who to fear more, my father or her. I think it was her. At least the psychical pain would disappear after a while. Nothing really stopped the mental frustration I was feeling." I said.

"Except the cutting" She said starting to fill in the pieces. I just nodded.

I know Demi would start to come to her own conclusions but hers won't probably be far off from the truth. So that's were the conversation died.

"When do you have to go to the arena tomorrow?" I asked. Demi's show is tomorrow night and she has the rest of the week off.

"I have to be there by at least 2 in the afternoon. Sound check starts for me at 3. Then I have my meet and great and interviews and stuff." Demi said.

One World (Demi Lovato Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon