First Day Back E

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Gianna's POV

I'm going back to school! I've been in remission for the past two months and everything is finally starting to fall into place. But I have to fill you in on what has been happening since I left the hospital before we can get into what is going to happen today.

So after I left, we moved into the new house. That was a long and exciting process. It took us a few weeks to get everything organized to the way we wanted them but the house is starting to feel like home. For Thanksgiving we went to Melissa and Brooklyn's house in Texas, seeing as moms were leaving for their honeymoon the day after. It just made sense to go there instead of having it at home and having to clean everything. Thanksgiving was nice and so was my two weeks with them. A.J. and Julia are starting to get really big now and it's fun to play around with them.

After their honeymoon I flew back to LA with moms. Mia got busy with writing for her new album and filming the movie while Demi started putting the final touches on her tour. They were both pretty busy till around Christmas. The week before they finally started to calm down. We all got to go to Mia's movie premier in Hollywood, which I was nervous about. This would be the first real time they would be interviewed since my treatment and I had no doubt all the camera's eyes would be on me.

By then I still only had a little bit of hair and I was still very insecure about how I looked. Logan was coming with me as my date and it took a long talk with Demi for me to feel okay with myself. Mia is actually keeping her short in a buzz cut till my hair started growing back in more fully. Demi dyed a little chunk of her hair yellow in support of pediatric cancer.

The night came faster then I wanted but I just had to suck it up and keep my head held high. With the support from Mia, Demi and Logan the night went smoothly. Logan kept me calm most of the night. We followed behind Mia and Demi down the red carpet. Most of the paparazzi there wanted my picture instead of Moms. When the circus of the red carpet was over we went into the theater and had a great rest of the night. Moms' movie was wonderful. It was weird to see her play a drug dealer but she was amazing at it. When we got home that night she told us how Sara was blowing up her phone about directors wanting her in there movies. Mia just told Sara to shut them all down; music is her thing, not acting.

A few days later Christmas came. Instead of getting each other gifts this year Mia just put the final touches to the movie of my treatment. We watched it together and Mia did an amazing job. She got all of us to do little cameo's to add to the film and it turned out amazing. So I told her I wanted to put it onto the Internet. I know people have wanted to interview us about how I am doing, so putting out this movie would be like our way of showing people what really happened.

So later that Christmas night Moms and myself sent out a tweet, posting the link to YouTube about my mini movie. It timed out to be a little over an hour. Let's just say that when we woke up the next morning that we found out that YouTube crashed because so many people tired to watch the movie. Sara and Amy were calling moms and there was a lot of chaos. So many people wanted to interview us even more then before.

When we tried to go out later that week we needed to bring 6 security guards with us. The paparazzi were crazy trying to talk to moms and me. It took a week for things to get back to normal. We had a small little New Years party at our house. Logan came over and so did Cara, Jake and Kayla. We all had a nice time together and I got my first New Years kiss. Moms didn't invite any friends over because they wanted time to themselves. So they had there own little party in their room while I had my friends in the living room.

That was a week ago. During the last week I have been getting my stuff together and ready to go back to school. I got my schedule on Friday and Cara has been feeding me information about what's going on in the school, like the gossip and stuff. I'm just happy that I have her in some of my classes. I know that when I go back everybody will be looking at me and talking about me.

So back to today, I'm dress and ready to go. All of my books are in my locker already and Cara is going to meet me by my locker so we can walk to class together.

"Gianna are you ready?" I heard Mia yell from the hallway.

"Yea" I yelled back finishing my breakfast. Demi and Mia walked into the kitchen holding hands. Recently they got matching tattoos. Demi has the words one life with a queen's crown on her left ankle while Mia got the words one love with a king's crown on her left ankle. They are just too cute sometimes.

I grabbed my bag and we made our way out to the car. Mia drove and it took us ten minutes to get there. She pulled up in the circle and we all got out. Demi pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead.

"If you don't feel good give us a call and we'll come get you." She said.

"I think I'll be good but I'll keep that in mind." I said as she let go of me.

Derek has been kicking my ass back into shape. He knows what to do to get me moving and testing my strength. With his help I might even be able to make lacrosse in the spring. I would have to get clearances though, from him, Brittni and moms.

Mia pulled me into a hug then and broke me from my trance. I hugged her back and let go. She pulled my chin to look her in the eyes before I could run into the school.

"We are both so proud of how far you have come." Mia said and kissed my forehead.

"Now go have some fun." Demi said as I walked away from them.

Cara, as promised, was waiting for me at my locker. Walking through the hallway I could feel everybody's eyes on me and I did my best to not let them get to me. When I saw Cara waiting at my locker I felt a bit better about coming back to school.

"You're here!" She yelled and pulled me into a hug. I smiled and hugged her back. It felt good to be back.

I opened my locker and grabbed the books I needed for the first half of the day and walked with Cara to my first class of day. The bell rang after I walked into the class. I went over to my teacher and he gave me the things I needed. I took the empty seat next to Cara and class started.

The whole day went smoothly and I had no problems. Lunch was amazing because I got to see all of my lacrosse friends who I consider more like family then friends. They all gave me hugs and were excited to see me back in school. They all asked about me playing lacrosse and I couldn't really give them an answer yet. The rest of the day went quick and by the time it was over I was wiped.

I was gaining my energy and stamina back but it's still not great. After the last bell rang I grabbed my things from my locker and walked out the door. Mia and Demi were sitting on the back of Mia's Audi waiting for me. Mia is looking up at Demi. They both are wearing matching red flannel shirts around their waist. Mia has a Ramones cut off on with longer jean shorts on and her hair is up in a ponytail. Then she is wearing this weird red bandana around her head like a headband. Demi has on shorter jean shorts with a black tank top and combat books.

They both looked up when they heard me coming. Both of them jumped of the car and gave me a big hug when I got to them. We got in the car and I told them all about my day. They both seemed really happy that I was finally back in school and enjoyed the first day of my senior year.

CASTING CHANGE!! -> So i changed the girl who plays Gianna, Now the actress is Kelsey Chow and i casted Hailee Steinfeld as Cara.

Picture on the side is of Mia and Demi when they pick up Gianna from school and there new tattoos.

I'm gonna post a music video on the side of a song called Girls by Hayley Kiyoko. Kelsey is in the video, she is the girl who's face isn't beat up. It's a good song, you guys should give it a listen.

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