Trial E

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Demi's POV

The rest of the summer was amazing. The second half of my European Tour was crazy. I loved every second of it because I got to spend the time with Gianna. She is definitely more of a girly girl and we shopped a lot. When we came back to the US we went to the hospital for a check up to make sure everything with her is still okay, which it was thank god. Mia met us there and we got onto the bus and traveled around the rest of the US with her.

Towards the end of August Gianna and I left Mia again to start getting her stuff packed up and ready to go for college. The week that we moved her in, Mia came home and helped us. Mia, Logan, Gianna and myself took the jet to New York and helped her move into her dorm room. Her roommate's name is Sam. She hails from Florida and she seems like a great girl. Once she got her name Mia had one of her 'friends' do a background check on her to make sure she isn't crazy or things along those lines.

Sam seems like a great girl. We got to meet her parents when we started to move G in. Scott and Kelly are both really nice and didn't even care about who we are. Sam knew because her and Gianna have been talking for a few weeks getting to know each other.

Along with getting to know each other, Sam knows about Gianna being in remission. It's also good that Sam is also majoring in medicine. The school splits the students up in dorms by major so I'm a bit relieved that Sam knows some things to look out for.

The dreaded day came and we had to leave Gianna in the city. It's not like she is going to be completely alone. She has Susan and Peter an hour away on Long Island if she really needs anything and Mia and I will be around every once in a while to check in with her. G will be home for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Saying goodbye was hard as hell. I know Mia was trying to stay strong for me but after we left the dorms she broke down. At first she didn't want me to touch her but after a few minutes of fighting she let me. Seeing her this way is hard. Mia is always a strong person and its just hard and weird to see her like this.

We left New York and flew to Michigan to met up with the tour. When we got there Mia had to go straight into sound check and I went to go find Sara and Linkin. I just wanted to give them a heads up on Mia's mood and attitude even though they will probably see it right away.

The rest of the US tour went off without a hitch. Mia performances were amazing and she got close with her fellow tour mates. As time went on Mia started to come around. I could tell she missed Gianna a lot, hell I did too. She was the piece of our family that held us together. But now that she isn't here its like Mia and I aren't on the same page.

As the US leg came to a close Mia made plans to go out on another tour to promote her own album. The tour wouldn't be long, about a month and a half because of how much she just toured with the Mega Tour.

Her own tour was very successful and after it was over Mia came home to me. While she was away I did a few acting jobs here and there so I wasn't bored. On her tour, when she stopped in Texas, Mia had her house demolished. She had plans drawn up to turn the lot into a park after it was cleaned up. She wanted to turn it into a place of happiness to help her move on from all of the ugly memories the house holds.

Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years all came and went without unnecessary drama. A few days into the New Year I got a call from Mia while she went to talk to Simon about her off time.

"I just got the call from my lawyer. The trial is set to start at the end of the month." Mia said. I didn't even get a chance to say hello before she hit me with the details.

"Okay, when you get home we will talk more about it." I said.

"Sounds like a plan." Mia said and hung up.

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