Are You Sure? E

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Demi POV:

The next day Mia was in and out. The reaction hit her hard and it's going to take her a few more days to bounce back from this one. Doctor Holl couldn't test Mia for allergies yet because she was still out of it. Gianna was in better shape than Mia was. Needless to say her phone didn't stop ringing so I had to shut it off. But once I did Simon called my phone and I had to answer.

"Demi, where is Mia?" He asked like he already knew the answer.

"Hospital, she had an allergic reaction yesterday and she's still kind of out of it." I said and looked at my sleeping wife.

"Wonderful, when you think she is going to be out?" He asked.

"A few days? I don't know Simon, the doctor is going to test her for other allergies when she is feeling better so this doesn't happen again." I said.

"Have her call me when she is feeling better please." Simon said and hung up.

The next couple of days were stressful. Gianna had her I think 7th chemo treatment. Mia insisted that I go be with her but Gianna had Logan with her, so I left them alone to be with Mia. Mia was a bit better today so the doctor started testing her. By the end of the day Mia had six new allergies and a bad headache. She's allergic to berries, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, cranberries and also cherries, along with her weird egg allergy that she already knew about.

She was released late the following day because the doctor wanted to make sure she is okay and no more reactions popped up. She has to do those breathing treatments thought to make sure the swelling in her throat goes away. After she was released we went down to Gianna's room. Doctor Brown filled me in on what is going on with Gianna and the bone marrow match. I had the same questions Mia did, but she has no new answers for us. She did say that she wants to extend Gianna's chemo treatments because it's working. Right now she wants to give her two more, then take more blood to see if there are any cancer cells left.

Gianna wasn't really happy about it but understood. As long as the chemo works we won't need the transplant, so we are hoping that it does. After Brittni left Gianna and I talked all about Logan. Mia showed me the pictures she took of them and I was actually a little bit happy that she spied on their date. She got some great picture of them together and I think that Gianna was pretty happy about it too.

After we were done talking about Logan, Cara walked into G's room. Gianna and Cara had a lot of catching up to do so we left them for the night. Mia and I went out and grabbed dinner to go before heading back to the apartment. We just got some burgers and had a nice night in.

"I have something to share with you." Mia said and put her burger down.

Looking at her I realized something was off. Mia barely ate any of her burger. Usually she would wolf it down. Eat first, taste later, was what she told me one time.

"What's up?" I asked putting my food down.

"Before you came this morning to see me I asked doctor Holl if I could speak with an OBGYN." Mia said. I coughed on my own spit when she said that.

"I thought we were going to do that together." I said. When we have talked about taking this next step we've talking about going together.

"This was something I needed to do alone. Those demons I need to fight myself." Mia said.

I can tell she is fighting back tears. She is trying to hide them by looking down at the table. This is the tricky part of Mia I'm still trying to figure out. When she is vulnerable like this I don't know what to do. Let her vent herself out or comfort her and tell her things will be okay. My head and heart both tell me different things to do. My heart won this battle.

I got out of my seat and knelt down in front of her. My hand lands on her knee the same time her first tear falls. I grabbed her hands, pulling them away from her face to make her look at me.

"Mia what happened?" I asked wanting to hear what the outcome is.

"She did a lot of test" Mia said trying to stop herself from crying, but failing. When she stopped speaking she tried to hold back a sob. It worked but not enough.

"Mia you need to breath okay, take a deep breath." I said trying to steer her away from a panic attack.

Mia was able to take a breath, and another one. Her tears are still falling though and I can't tell if they were good or bad. The feeling in my gut said that they are bad but I'm trying to hold onto the hope that they are good.

"She did a lot of test and all the results came back the same. I can't Dems. She said that I might be able to get pregnant but there is no chance that the baby would make it to full term." Mia said.

My heart broke, and so did Mia's. I pulled her off the chair and into my lap on the floor and did the one thing that I could do, hold her. This does change a lot for us. We both want kids. I can't even tell you how many times I hear Mia talk about how many she wants. But the thing that is really got me is that there will be no little Mia's running around. She won't get the chance to experience pregnancy and giving birth. And it's all because of a man who beat his own child.

He took away her future all because he couldn't find anything else to beat and that made me angry. My heart is broken in half all over this girl in my arms, right now she doesn't look like the strong 21 year old I know and love. Right now she looks like the broken little girl I saw when I first met her in the hospital. He took away the one thing Mia wanted so much after everything she went through with her parents. She wants children from her own being to love and care for and to watch them grow, to help guide them into the people they are destine to be. Now she knows for sure that she can't.

I ran my hand up and down her back trying to get her to calm down. I know it will take a while for her to process this, hell it will take me a while to process this. After a little bit longer Mia finally started to calm down. Her tears slowed from a waterfall to a slow trickle, but that doesn't matter to me anymore, my shirt it already soaked in her tears

When I couldn't hear her sniffling anymore I picked her up off the floor in my arms and carried us to the bathroom. I set Mia down on the little white furry throw rug we have in the middle of the floor and turned on the water for the tub. Once it filled up I got Mia out of her clothes. She got up herself and got into the tub and I joined her shortly after. I sat down in the tub behind her and pulled her into me.

"Everything will be okay" I said.

"Are you sure?" Mia asked.

"I promise baby girl. One day we will have little baby running around our house, which we should probably get a move on looking for." I said.

I felt Mia nodded against my chest and I smiled. Mia took my hands in hers and intertwined our fingers before resting them on her stomach.

"I love you" Mia said quietly.

"I love you too" I said and kissed her neck.

"Do you think we should adopt another child or would you want to try and have one?" Mia asked after a few minutes of silence.

"I don't know to be honest with you, either will be fine with me." I said.

"We should probably talk to Gianna about this first though." Mia said.

I nodded and Mia moved around in my arms. She turned around so she could face me. Her hand came up to my face and cupped my right cheek.

"Thank you" She said. I was going to ask what for but thought she needed a minute.

"I know I can be hand full at times and I'm sorry for that but it's something I can't change." Mia said looking into my eyes. "Thank you for loving me, for caring for me, picking me up when I break down, thank you for being my wife." Mia said.

Now I'm the one who is crying. I just nodded and pulled Mia into me, not trusting my voice. The water from the bath sloshed around and escaped over the top of the tub but I could care less about the floor right now.

Right now the only thing that matters is my wife and I. Not the fact that our daughter is sick, or that we are both known around the world. This moment is ours, just between wife and wife.

The song on the side is called Force of Nature by Bea Miller. It's an amazing song and i love her voice.

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