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Mia's POV

Gianna's return to school couldn't have gone better. The first day back she came home excited and told us all about her day. When she was done telling us about her day, she went to go relax. And by relax she would go take a nap. Demi and I both knew that her stamina isn't 100% but she managed pretty well. We only let her sleep for an hour though. It would be just enough so she could make it through the rest of the day and still sleep through the night.

Demi has been super busy getting her stuff together for tour. She left on the 20th of January and she'll be back sometime in May. She wanted to be here while Gianna started school again. So the month past kind of quickly with all of us working. Gianna working on her recovery and school, Demi her tour and I'm writing music for myself and others. So after a good amount of tears and goodbyes Demi was off on her tour. Her show in LA isn't for a while so we won't be seeing her for a bit.

Gianna and I have been on our own for a month now. Valentine's Day came and went and I flew out to surprise Demi on tour and take her out for dinner. I left Gianna at home with Logan for two days by themselves. I trusted them together. I know if Logan and Gianna were to have sex and I asked about it Gianna wouldn't be able to keep a straight face.

So when I got home and looked Gianna in the eyes and asked her if they had sex she didn't lie.

"So how was Valentine's Day?" I asked her as I sat on the couch.

"Logan and I had sex." She said flat out and started pacing back and forth in front of me. My eyebrows rose and I lost any appetite I just had.

"What?" I asked her.

"I lost my virginity to Logan." She said again.

I couldn't put together words to talk to her so I just got up off the couch and held up my finger to her. I wiped out my phone and walked down to the studio while calling Demi.

"Mia can I call you back? I'm in the middle of something." Demi asked.

"Gianna just told me her and Logan had sex while I was with you!" I rushed out.

"Where is she now?" Demi asked.

"I left her in the living room." I said pacing.

"You left her alone? She is probably freaking out right now!" Demi said.

"What should I say to her?" I asked.

"Make sure for the love of god that it was consensual, number 2 ask her if she feels okay about it, now go and talk to your daughter because I just had to walk out of a meeting. Call me later, good luck." She said and hung up before I could say anything.

Groaning I stuck my phone in my pocket and grabbed a beer out of the mini fridge before walking back upstairs. Gianna was right where I left her. In the living room but now she is sitting on the couch. She probably got tired from pacing. I sat down next to her and took a swig of my beer before facing her.

I couldn't read the emotion on her face, but it kind of looked like shame or disgust. This was the last thing I wanted.

"Okay, I'm going to ask one question and you better give me answer." I said. Gianna still wouldn't look at me though.

"Did he force himself on you?" I asked.

Gianna didn't answer me. She just closed her eyes and shook her head. Gianna played with her hands and I couldn't take it anymore. I put on of my hands on hers and the other on her moved her chin so she could look me in the eyes. She opened her big brown eyes and tears started to fall out.

"We both wanted it, trust me." She said and used her sleeve to wipe away her tears.

"Then why are you crying?" I asked rubbing her back.

"You aren't mad?" She asked me.

"No, I'm just happy you wanted it and felt secure enough in your relationship to take that huge step. Losing your virginity is an important milestone in any girl's life and I'm just happy that it wasn't taken from you. You choice who you gave it too and I'm happy it was with a great guy like Logan." I answered. Gianna didn't say anything else but launched herself at me. I ended up falling back onto the couch, but after the initial shock, I turned us right side up and held onto her.

We stayed like that for a few minutes till I thought she fell asleep. Turns out she was only faking it.

"Can I ask you something?" She asked quietly.

"What's up princess?" I asked just as quiet.

"When you say that I had a choice, what was that like? I know you don't like talking about it and mom just shuts me down when I have questions." She said.

"It's the worst thing I could ever imagine, you have questions?" I asked.

"Why didn't you run earlier? Why did you stay for that long?" She asked.

"I didn't have enough money, also I needed to finish high school. I knew I wouldn't be able to get into a college if I didn't." I said. "If music didn't work out I was going to find a job and work my way through college."

"You're amazing." G said.

I just nodded and kissed her head before pulling her into me. No matter what happens in the future, G will always be my little girl. I will protect her till my last dying breath.

"I'm sorry we had sex in the house. It won't happen again." She said.

"It's okay, as long as you use protection. Come on, it's your bedtime." I said.

"Ugh I'm not five years old mom." She said.

"Well you sleep like one, so lets go, you can sleep in my room tonight." I said.

Gianna went to her room and got cleaned up for bed and met me in my room. I feel like that went over pretty well and I handled myself well. Gianna got into bed next to me and we both fell asleep.

The next morning we were rudely awoken by the phone ringing. Gianna grumble and I just let it ring, not wanting to answer it. Whoever called didn't leave a message and just when I was about to fall back asleep my cell phone rang. I grabbed it from the nightstand and answered it without looking at the called ID.

"Who is it? What do you want at this ungodly hour?" I mumbled.

"Mia, it's me, I need to ask you a question." A girl said. If I was actually somewhat awake I would be able to tell who's calling.

"Who is this?" I asked and sat up in bed.

"It's Lauren." She said.

"Lo, you know it's 5am here right?" I asked and rubbed my head.

"Sorry but listen, we need to start working on our next album and we want to write it but we need some help, Simon wanted us to write with some other write but I want to work with you. He told me to call and ask." She explained.

"Is there a deadline on the album?" I asked.

"It has to be out by the middle of the summer the latest." She said.

"Way for Simon to throw a rush job in my face, but sure why not." I said.

"Great, thanks Mia." Lauren said.

"No problem. Be back in LA by Monday and we will start." I said.

"See you on Monday." Lauren said before she hung up the phone.

Another project to add on top of me working on my own album. This is going to be great.

A bit of fun this chapter, picture on the side of Lynn from warped tour.

Song on the side is New Americana by Halsey.

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