Momma Drama E

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Demi's POV

Finally, after a few months of touring I'm home. Well my home away from home. I'm going to be in Dallas for the next few days. It's going to be nice to be home for a few days before going back out onto the road. Unfortunately I'm going to be away from Mia for her birthday but I promised that she would get her present when I get back.

When we got to the house Maddie was waiting outside of the house for me. When I walked off the bus she ran over and gave me a giant hug. My now 15-year-old sister didn't let go of me for a few minutes. It's been a while since I have seen her and I'm missing a lot of stuff that is going on in her life. I'm just happy that we are going to be together for the next few days.

After she finally let go of me we walked into my moms house together. Mom and Dad both ran over to me and gave me a hug when they saw me. I was surprised to see Dallas also. Usually she is busy when I come home so it was a nice surprise to see her. After I was done saying my hellos I went upstairs to my room.

As I was going to my room I got a text from Mia. When I opened it I blushed a bit. The picture of her is just of her chest. She is wearing one of my robes and is in a lace bra. Just below her boobs is the text line reading come home baby.

I just smirked and opened my bedroom door. When I opened it I dropped my bag inside and looked up. I came face to face with a bare chested Mia. My jaw dropped a bit when my eyes locked on her hard cut abs.

"Missed me?" She asked. I didn't say anything but run over to her and jumped into her arms. Mia spun us around and I held onto her for dear life.

When I finally came down from her, Mia put her hands on my cheeks and wiped away a tear that fell from my eye.

"What?" I asked.

"I didn't want to spend my birthday alone and I got Simon to give me some off time from my album making to spend it with you." Mia said.

"You didn't want to spend your 21th birthday at a club getting wasted with your friends?" I asked.

"Why would I want to do that when I could go see my wife that I haven't seen in two months?" She asked.

I didn't say anything else but gave her a sweet kiss on the lips. When I pulled away I ran my hand over her chest and smiled.

"Wait, where's our daughter?" I asked.

"In Maddie's room asleep, after school we had an appointment with Brittni and she had therapy then we flew here, she was tired and fell asleep." Mia said.

"I want to see her and then I'll be right back." I said and gave her another kiss.

"Go, I'll be right here." She said and laid on my bed.

I left my wife and walked into my younger sisters room. As Mia said Gianna is sleeping on the extra bed in Maddie's room. I walked over to her and kissed her head. Her hair is really starting to come in again and it's a light blonde color. I ran my hand through it and Gianna started to move. She moved her head and opened her eyes.

When her eyes locked on mine she smiled. Her arms open and I crawled into bed with her. She rested her head on my shoulder and I ran my hands up and down her back.

"I missed you" She said.

"I missed you too baby, how are you feeling?" I asked.

"Better now that you are here." She said.

"There isn't a chance you are going to let me go back to Mia is there?" I asked.

"Nope, tonight you're mine." She said.

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