Girlfriend E

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Mia's POV

After taking Demi to the airport I stopped by Lauren and Camila's apartment. Gianna needs some time to herself and I'm starting to realize that. Being stuck in the hospital room with her parents 24/7 is starting to drive her crazy. Even though she doesn't display it I can feel it. So I gave Lauren a call and asked if she was doing anything, she said she wasn't so I stopped by their place. It turns out that they got an apartment around the block from Demi and I.

Lauren was standing outside when I pulled up. So I hopped right out and gave her a hug. She pulled me up to their apartment where Camila was waiting on the couch.

"So how are you two lovebirds?" I asked once I sat down on the couch.

"We are good, what about you?" Lauren asked.

"Can't complain." I said and played with my hair. It's become a habit of mine now, to push the front of my hair up.

"How's Gianna?" Camila asked.

"Hanging in there." I said.

"That's good, so any news on the Mega Tour?" Lauren asked.

I couldn't help but laugh. Since I told her about the tour a couple of weeks ago she hasn't stopped asking me questions about it. That and she has been bothering me to get her tickets for her and Camila.

"Things are coming together. I have a meeting later next week to go talk about it. I believe that everyone that is playing is going to be there, so I will tell you after the meeting." I said and smirked.

"So what were you guys doing before I got here?" I asked.

"Just hanging out." Camila said.

"Hey do you think that it's weird if I stalk my daughter on her date later?" I asked.

"Gianna has a date?!" They both yelled at me.

"Yea, her friend Logan asked me if he could take her out and I said yes." I said.

"We need to meet him." Lauren said.

"So I guess you want to stalk her date also?" I asked.

Before I could answer Camila jump off the couch and ran to what I could assume to be their bedroom.

"Are you going to change or are you going to be going in bunny pajama pants." I said and held back a giggle. Lauren gave me an eye roll before leaving me on their couch alone. It took them both a few minutes before they emerged from their room. Both of them are in dressed in black and I couldn't help but laugh at them. Lauren completed her outfit with combat boots and a black beanie. Camila on the other hand is all deck out to break into houses.

"Camila we are going to stalk my daughter on her date, not break into a house." I said.

"Oh well lets go." She said and walked out of the door. Lauren and I just shook our heads and followed after her.

They got into Lauren's car while I got into mine. We stopped by my apartment to grab a few things before going over to the hospital. After we got there we parked in the back and went inside. The paparazzi are still here, there are just a few though. When we first told the world that Gianna is sick there were a lot more. We could barely get into the doors. Now that it has been a week and a half of them have moved on to something else.

Camila, Lauren and I all got into the elevator and went up to Doctor Browns' office. When we got there I knock on the door and stuck my head in.

"They are up on the roof." She said and smiled. I gave her a thumbs up and left her to whatever she was doing before. We all ran back to the elevator and went up to roof. I got my camera ready and held it out in front of the three of us.

One World (Demi Lovato Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن