Chapter 61: Work and Words.

Start from the beginning

"Abnegation. That's where we're going." I tell Hannah, ignoring the fact that she probably doesn't understand or care.

The train slows to a stop in the middle of the Abnegation square, where some unused tall buildings are. They're only tall from where I'm standing- they aren't more than eleven floor buildings. 

A blue street sign directs me to twelfth street, where the headquarters are apparently. Smaller signs rise from the ground, and have little green arrows pointing in the direction of specific places.

I head in the direction of the silver metallic circular building that is the headquarters.

Hannah gurgles as a squirrel runs across the road, into an old abandoned building. The glass is broken in the windows, and spray paint graffiti covers the bricks.

I realize that I'm not in one of the best parts of Abnegation. I jog down twelfth street, which merges into Michigan Avenue Proper. I see the circular building, and I race toward it. "Mama?" Hannah asks sadly.

"Shh." I place Hannah inside of my jacket, zipping it up around her. Her head peeks out by my neck, yet it gives me more of a freedom to run faster.

The building arrives quickly, and I step inside. It's completely gray inside. Everything is gray, ranging from almost white to almost black. Green plants are the only thing that isn't gray.

I see a man step into an elevator, holding a brown briefcase an a cup of coffee. I walk over to that elevator, ignoring the looks I get from women at the front desk.

I press the UP button, and wait. I hear the clicking of the heels of a woman in red, but other than that, it's silent.

The woman stands behind me. I turn to her, and she smiles, sipping on a bottle of water. "Hello, I'm Meredith." She says. I look at her closely. She administered my aptitude test.

"Maddie Pedrad." I shake her hand.

Most Dauntless wouldn't, but there's a fine line between chaotic Dauntless and civilized Dauntless.

"Maddie?" She looks at me closely, examining me. "I gave you your test!" She says. She playfully hits my arm with her folder that she holds.

The elevator opens with a Ding! And we step inside. "Floor?" I ask her.

"Seventh." I hit the seven button. That's where I'm going as well. "Leader, huh? Is this little one going to follow in your footsteps?" She looks at Hannah, who gurgles.

"Yes, and Hopefully." I laugh. We arrive at our floor, and I see men and women of all factions milling around the hall. Uriah steps up to me and hugs me.

"It's such a great day. Look at that happy sun that smiles at us from outside." I look at him, and his goofy smile. His snake tattoo barely shows as he's wearing a beanie.

"Uriah are you on peace serum?" I ask him. It's normal for Uriah to be happier than the rest of us, but that was just weird, and what he says next is even weirder.

He hits my arm. "Silly." He skips down the hall, away from me. I shake it off and walk to the meeting room.

"Uriah, that caffeine is not for you." A man in white tells him, though I can barely hear as I step into the meeting room. That explains it.


Hannah sleeps peacefully as my grandfather, Andrew, goes over the plans for the marsh. "Yoo Hoo!" Uriah jumps up and down as he sips his coffee.

"I want chicken wings!" He shouts. He skips around my chair, and looks at Hannah. She stretches out like a starfish as she yawns, and then opens her eyes.

She begins to cry, and I quiet her down. I reach into my backpack, and pull out a bottle. She grasps for it, taking it from my hand, and sipping it. She is silent now as Andrew looks at Uriah.

"Mr. Pedrad," he scolds. "Please sit down and be quiet! For the good of the meeting!" He begs. Then he looks at Hannah.

"Maddie, would you like to take her out until she falls back asleep again?" He asks me. I nod, and step out. Uriah starts mumbling stuff as he sips on his water that the Abnegation gave him to replace his caffeine filled coffee.


The meeting ended on a sour note from the Candor representatives, whom wanted to defund the plans to pump water into the marsh. It will have to be settled at the next meeting again in three weeks.

I stand in the train with Uriah, who stares at Hannah. "She's beautiful. I see so much of Ty in her." I nod, seeing the same.

He pokes my arm. I turn to him. "What?" I ask. He pokes me again. "What?" I ask, an edge to my voice. He pokes me again, this time repeatedly. "WHAT?" I ask.

"How was it?" He asks. "You still do 'it' often." He puts air quotes around the word it.

I roll my eyes. "Fine and not really." Hannah gurgles in my shoulder.

"I kind of liked your mother once," he stares outside of the train cart. "But Marlene and I made beautiful babies." He waves his hand at me, making a face.

I laugh, rolling my eyes.

a/n: THIS CHAPTER SUCKED but I have writer's block. Okay so this is gonna be a long a/n. So today, my cousin and aunt drove in from Oklahoma to see us and I was chilling with that cousin, who's name is Ty. Yes, that is where I got Ty's name from because I had no clue what to name my characters. I kept giving him a hard time about his moccasin shoe things like, "I've got one question: WHAT ARE THOSEEEEE?" 😂 and stuff. But yeah. We watched the GOP Debates together and Marco Rubio slayed. #byetrump. I told everyone at the end of the prime time debate when the families of the candidates went up to the stage, I was like, "You guys will be up there with me someday." And my parents were like, "sure." HOW RUDE OMG. But anyways, I'm bored and hungry and tired and just dead so... I'm gonna go chill.


a} Fav GOP candidate(s)?
- Rubio, Huckabee, Cruz, Christie. 🇺🇸

b} Least fav candidates in the race? Like, Democrats and Republicans.
- Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and Rand Paul 😒

c} do you think Trump said the same stuff as usual?
- yes. America is more than trade, Trump. 💁 yes trade is a major part of economy, but it's not all that makes America America. 🇺🇸

d} four houses or a hotel?
- hotel dude 🏢


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