Chapter 55: Helluva Night

Start from the beginning

I leap for the train, pulling myself in as the door pulls away. I stick out my hand for Maddie, who comes in just seconds after me.

We stand up. I pull out the beer, handing it to her. She takes her swig before handing it back to me.

I take a long chug, feeling the burning sensation of the beer in my throat. I hold it as I look at Maddie. Tapping my chin, I look up at the ceiling as if I'm in deep thought.

"I dare you to throw water balloons in the Abnegation house windows." She smirks at me. "Gladly." She jests. "Oh shit we're already here." Maddie chants as we leap out of the train.

I hand her the last of the loaded water balloons. "Have fun." I say to her, dropping them in her arms.

She runs quickly toward the gray squared Abnegation houses, and begins launching the water balloons at all of the houses as I take my place behind a small tree.

Lights in houses turn on as Maddie dives for a space behind an abandoned building.

A woman steps out of a house, and Maddie fires another water balloon at her. It hits the wall near her, and she runs inside. Maddie jogs back over to me as I laugh hysterically.

"Let's go." She says while laughing.


The train rattles and shakes as we near the Dauntless Headquarters near the city's edge. The fence glows brightly as we approach the Pier. "Come on, Maddie." I say. She walks over as I leap out, onto the small gravel on the roof of the headquarters. I wait for another black blob to float out of the car, but I don't see one.

"Maddie?" I call. Nothing. "Maddie?"

"I'm right here." She says from behind me. I race over to her, hugging her and breathing in her scent of wind and perfume.

"You scared me." I say. She wraps her arms around me, taking a deep breath. Suddenly, I don't see the city's glow of bright, twinkling lights anymore. It must be midnight.

Another train passes us as we stand on the dark roof, hugging. "Let's go inside." She says while smiling. We walk over to the ledge of the roof, Maddie slightly behind me.

~~~ Maddie ~~~

"I'll jump first." Ty says shortly.

He pulls a flashlight out of his pocket, turning it on. He drops it off to the right of the hole, so there's a small light besides the light coming from inside the hole.

"See you in a minute," he says quietly as he steps off of the ledge, his body falling into the hole perfectly. I see the net slump, meaning that he rolled himself out.

I push myself off the ledge, feeling my stomach dip as if I'm on an elevator going down. I groan as I hit the net, feeling my back ache as the hard rope wraps around my small body.

I feel a jerk on the net as I am being pulled out. Rough hands run down my arms as I turn to look at Ty. "Hope they don't check the light." He laughs. "It should be dead by morning." He finishes.

I nod. Then there's just a comfortable silence between the two of us as we walk back to the apartment.

"Well, it was a helluva night." Ty says to me. I nod, seeing all of the Dauntless Members in their black clad clothing. It gives me a sense of home.

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