Jungkook didn't say a word.

"I always think about us. It's all my fault, I searched for another guy to help me forget my feelings for you, I wanted someone who can do whatever I want."

"It's also my fault."

"No, I ruined our relationship. Alcohol was like my poison." V sighed, "I wanted to kill the anger and jealousy inside me, but I was stupid to drink, and to do that thing with Jimin."

"Uhm." Jungkook's eyebrows creased while V stands up from the floor and sits infront closer to Jungkook.

Jungkook faced down. V holds on Jungkook's chin, forcing the boy to look at him. Jungkook's eyes were teary already. V then cupped his hands on the younger boy's cheeks.

He brushes his fingers on Jungkook's soft warm cheeks and says, "I'm sorry for everything, Jungkook." Smiling widely, "I am really really sorry."

Now, Jungkook's tearing up. V kept wiping the boy's cheeks wet with tears. Jungkook was still staring at V who was busy wiping his cheeks and apologizing in repeat, "Sorry."

"You don't have to apologize for so many times." Jungkook said with his rough voice.

"I'm such a bad boyfriend to you. I never knew you already lost your parents. I wasn't able to save you from getting that injury. I'm useless."

"You are not a bad boyfriend for me." Jungkook said then he suddenly coughs, followed by another one.

"Are you alright?"

V touch the boy's forehead with his palm, the boy was damn hot. Sick. He removes his coat, and puts it on the boy who looks fragile. He moves to sit at Jungkook's side letting the boy to lean on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry." Jungkook apologized with his eyes closed, as tears starts to fall down more.

"Are you still feeling cold?" V asks while shaking Jungkook's body, he noticed that the boy was still crying, he decided to pull Jungkook closer to him.

Jungkook's face was buried on V's chest, while V wrapped his arms around Jungkook's body shivering from the cold air. The pretty boy looks weak and tired. Maybe because of the flight and hectic schedules at school that Jungkook had to catch up. The boy was restless.

Jungkook moves a little and leans back on V's shoulder. V's eyes were glued at the boy, the boy was still flawless and beautiful. He badly wanted to kiss the boy but he doesn't have the right to do that.

Words came out from his mouth, "I love you so much, Jungkook."

Those words that his heart had been shouting all this time, he wants Jungkook to feel his love, that he never stopped loving the boy. All his heart is meant for Jungkook. He doesn't want anyone else. Waiting for Jungkook to love him back will be fine. He would rather wait for the one he love than finding someone new and forcing himself to fall in love.

Jungkook is the only one for him. And even if it is too selfish for him to think of it, he thinks that he is the only one for Jungkook. No one else.

"I think I'm more stupid, for still loving you, Taehyung." Jungkook whispered, "I love you." And dozed off. V rubbed Jungkook's back, while giggling in happiness. He could not believe that the pretty boy still loves him despite of how many sins he made, and resulting the boy to suffer from pain and sleepless nights.

"Thankyou, Jungkook, I thought that I wouldn't get to talk to you again." V whispers before he takes a nap.

They slept. Beside each other. V closed his eyes with a smile crept on his face.

Following day, Jin could not stop smirking like an evil. He feels like an angel for locking the old couple inside the room. Hoping that they already talked about things that night.

He came early to school to check the school's faculty stockroom. Quite surprised, the janitor didn't even unlocked the door. He giggles in excitement to see the two boys. He was very sure that the two were already back together.

Jin unlocks the door and saw the two boys. V was still sleeping. Jungkook was still sleeping.

"Yah! Jungkook?!?" He sits in a hurry, in shock at seeing Jungkook's nose bleeding. The pretty boy's uniform was filled with blood. His nose probably started bleeding since early in the morning or worse case is that late night while the two boys were sleeping.

He felt Jungkook's warm body, the boy looks like suffering from fever. To add that Jungkook's face and lips were pale.

V slowly opens his eyes because of Jin's noisy mouth. He saw how panicked the boy was while holding Jungkook who has blood all over the face and uniform.

His eyes widen in shock. He holds on Jungkook's face, while Jin pushed his hands away and continued wiping the blood stains.

"Wh-wha-what h-happened?" He was in deep worry as he observes Jungkook's weak body.

He remembers how sick and tired Jungkook looked last night that their sweet love conversation had been cut off that fast and easy.

"Call for help." Jin said with a serious tone, V quickly stood up and asked for help outside.

Jin starts crying, "Jungkook, please be healthy." He sobs, "You shouldn't be--"

Jungkook finally woke up with the noise of Jin's sobbing, "J-jin?" He asks innocently, despite of his reddish face.

"Is it possible to come back after years?" Jin asked with a worried face.

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