(21) Special Dinner

Start from the beginning

"What about my lips, kitten?" He raised an eyebrow, trying desperately to be taken seriously. I laughed harder, shaking my head.

"Nope. We gotta meet your parents, remember?" He fake-whined, making puppy eyes towards me before chuckling to himself, wrapping an arm around my waist.

After getting through the doors, Harry telling the server that we had family sitting in a booth, he took his hand in mine, intertwining them together as we walked forward. The pains in my stomach began again, but I tried to ignore it the best I could as we neared a booth.

"Harry!" I heard a woman call, before my eyes fixated on a raven black haired, tanned woman with a cheery smile.

"Mom." He nodded, laughing as he embraced her in a hug.

"It's been too long," She lightly laughed, before turning towards me. "You must be the lovely Sophie." She smiled wide, reaching in for a hug. I was surprised, but I quickly patted her back.

"You must be Anne." I smiled back, both of us pulling back from the hug with smiles.

"Ah! You're glowing! I can't believe I'm going to be a grandmother already, I tell you. No matters! I'm excited!" She laughed.

Anne seemed really, almost incredibly nice to me. She seemed to actually like me. But what did she have to like me for? They weren't Harry's children, which saddened me that I still had yet to know who father was. That night always haunted me, and I always tried to remember anything from it, coming up with nothing.

We sat down, before I noticed that her husband wasn't here.

"I'm sorry, Robin couldn't make it tonight. He's a surgeon, so he had to go in. I'm sure he would have loved to be here, meeting his new daughter in-law." She gushed, and I politely smiled back, fighting back the pains.

"Oh it's fine," I began, nodding to her in reassurance. "If you'll just excuse me, I'm just going to go to the restroom." I said, smiling to Anne and Harry before making my way out of the booth, walking to the bathroom. The pain wouldn't go away, actually I would say it was worse.

When I entered, I suddenly felt a pain in my abdomen, and I looked down in shock.

My water broke.

Harry's P.O.V

I eyed the corridor to the bathroom, swallowing some of my dinner and continuing the conversation with my Mum. Sophie was taking a little longer then expected, but maybe it was nothing.

Suddenly, my phone beeped with a new text, and I pulled the cell out of my pant pocket and unlocking the Iphone. There was a text, from Sophie herself.

'water broke. come and get me now!'


"Harry I can't- I can't do this!" She screamed for the billionth time, a sheet of sweat resting on her as she bellowed in pain. I felt so sorry for her, that she had to into so much pain. She panted, squeezing her eyes shut as they whisked her to one of the hospital room, panic spreading across all of her emotions.

"You can do this, you're Sophie. Just remember that I love you, okay?" I whispered in her ear, pulling back to see her slightly calmed, slowly smiling as tears formed in her eyes. Even though I didn't admit it to her, I was scared too. Scared I wouldn't know what to do, that I would be a terrible father to these kids. That I wasn't worth a second glance from the kids.

"Ms. Walters, we would like you to sit up so it's more comfortable." The nurse exclaimed, as they wheeled her into one of the hospital rooms and setting her up. Nervousness was easily told from the look on her face, but I chuckled to her, trying to lighten her mood.

"It's okay, it's okay love. Just think, two beautiful babies after all of this. It's okay, it's fine." I murmured to her, smoothing some of her chestnut hair behind her ear. She nodded quickly, getting into a sitting position. I gulped myself, but intertwined our fingers together. This was our moment, the babies, all of it.

"Okay, Mr.Styles how long has she been having contractions?" One of the burses questioned quickly, setting up some fresh towels. I furrowed my eyebrows, not yet used to the terms they used. She must have noticed because she restated the question for me.

"How long has she been in pain?"

I bit my lip slowly, looking towards a tired Sophie. 

"Love, she needs to know how long you've been in pain." I said to her, calmly.She paused, breathing heabily.

"Ever since this morning, before breakfast. I just thought the kids were kicking hard..." She huffed, blinking tears away.

"Okay, so yes we should start getting into the labor term. Sophie, I'm going to need you to breath on every number I say, okay?" The nurse replied, her cut short blond hair bobbing. Sophie nodded, gulping as she continued breathing heavily. She squeezed my hand lightly, looking up to me with hopeful eyes. I smiled to her, kissing her forehead in comfort. All of this was actually happening. I would be taking care of twins..

"3." A doctor who appeared next to the nurse, nodding to her with reassurrance. She breathed in, then out, steadying her other hand on the railing.

"2." I gulped again, moving some curls out fo the way. A few nurses waited by patiently, ready for the given second to continue.


"Push." The doctor motioned for her to push, positioning himself. She squeezed my hand, until I almost felt like falling backwards, her groaning slightly as she squeezed her eyes tightly.

She groaned back, laying her head on the pillow as she collapsed in exhaustion.

"Harry, I don't know if I can do this." She sighed, a crease between her eyebrows forming in frustration.

"You can, I know this Soph." I breathed, looking at her with comfort. She paused for a moment, just looking into my eyes with her breathing slowing down, her exmpression turning into what looked like happiness.

She nodded to me, squeezing my hand lightly and smiling. And, she prepared herself for the next push. 

"Are you ready, Ms. Walters?" The nurse asked, looking to Sophie.

"Yes." She said confidently, breathing in afterwards.

Long awaited, but I was extremely busy and ya know life doesnt quite cooperate. But here it, is a bit rushed since its past when Im allowed on here! Hahah, plus school tomorrow..

But here it is! Cliff hanger, slightly, but never the less a chapter you've been waiting for! Early labor, :D

Haha, anwyays If there was any faults then please do tell! All comments welcomed, well to a certain extent.

You know this, it's common sense what to say and what not. Good critiscm is welcomed!

Love you lots,


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