Stomach Bug

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"She's a dreamer, and he is her dream."


"Dominic, please go," I pleaded after vomiting in the toilet seat.

"I'm not leaving, càra. I'll be right here with you, no matter what," he reassured me, kneeling beside me and holding my hair while rubbing my back in a comforting manner.

"You are so sweet, but..." I couldn't complete my sentence as another wave of nausea hit me, and I vomited once more. He continued to rub my back, still holding my hair.

"You are so sweet, but..." I struggled to continue as another bout of nausea cut my sentence short. I took a deep breath, determined to finish my sentence. "You are so sweet, but I think I need a moment alone."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Please," I insisted.

He nodded understandingly and walked outside the bathroom. Ten minutes later, when I was done, I washed my face and brushed my teeth.

As I looked at myself in the mirror, tired eyes and a pale face reflected back at me. My eyes traveled down, and I observed my neck in the mirror, discovering a few hickeys. I ran my fingers over them as memories from earlier surfaced.

Today, Dominic surprised me with my favorite chocolate pie – a treat I'd usually trade my soul for. But today, strangely, the mouthwatering aroma failed to evoke the usual delight and instead triggered an uncomfortable feeling.

I splashed cold water on my face and wiped it with a clean towel. "It's been a week since I've had an upset stomach, and I don't know why I'm experiencing these weird cravings," I murmured, dismissing other thoughts with a subtle jerk of my head.

Walking outside the bathroom, I discovered Dominic standing, leaning against the wall, his concerned expression evident as he waited for me. "Are you okay? How are you feeling?" His concerned voice filled my ears as he came closer and enveloped me in a comforting hug.

"Let's go to the doctor," he suggested.

"I'm fine, Nic. I might have just caught a stomach bug; perhaps the mushrooms I ate last night were expired," I explained, still held in his embrace.

"So it's a must; we need to see the doctor," he insisted.

"No, please, I don't want to go to the hospital. You know I hate that smell," I pleaded.


"Please," I interrupted.

"Okay, but you need to take the medicine," he relented.

"Okay, I promise," I agreed.

"Hmm," he responded, holding me tighter.

"I love you," I whispered, finding solace in his comforting embrace.

"I love you too," he replied, sealing his words with a tender kiss on my forehead.

In that simple yet caring exchange, the language of love spoke volumes, creating a moment that I'll cherish until my last breath.




"Mike, did you do everything I asked?" I questioned Dominic's assistant, wanting to make sure the surprise plans for Dominic were carried out as intended.

Actually, I am preparing a birthday surprise for him.

 "Yes, Mrs. Russo, I prepared everything." Mike replied.

"Okay, that's great. And Mike, you are also invited," I added.

"Thank you so much, Mrs. Russo," Mike replied gratefully as we hopped in the lift.

When I woke up today, Dominic had already left, but around noon, he called me to inform about a gala we had to attend tomorrow. He also invited me for a lunch date today, mentioning that I should meet him in his office. So here I am at his office, excited for our lunch date.

Mike escorted me to the top floor and left to do his work. As I walked into his office, my attention was immediately drawn to a beautiful woman sitting across from him. They seemed engrossed in a conversation, laughing over something.

Suddenly, Dominic spotted me and quickly rose from the couch. He swiftly came beside me with a smile on his handsome face, and in the next moment, I found his hot lips on mine, kissing me sweetly. Blushing, I attempted to push him away, but he stood his ground.

When he was done, he held my waist and carefully guided me to sit on the couch. "Victoria, meet Eva. She's a friend of mine, and we've recently become business partners."

"And Eva, she's my beautiful wife, Victoria," Dominic introduced us, and Eva promptly extended her hand for a handshake.

"It's nice to meet you, Victoria. I'm Eva Popova," she said warmly.

"It's nice to meet you too, Eva," I replied, shaking her hand with a smile, but my mind was a mess. "Eva Popova, I heard this name somewhere."

"Dominic has told me a lot about you," Eva remarked, and as I recalled, I realized, "Oh yes, I saw her on TV! She's Eva Popova, the renowned Russian model and fashion designer."

"Dominic," I whispered.

"Yes, love?" he whispered back.

"She's Eva Popova, the famous Russian model and fashion designer Eva Popova."

"Yes, sweetheart, she is," Dominic confirmed.

"Oh my God, Nic, she's one of the best."

"Is she?"

"Yes. I have seen her work; her designs are truly inspiring," I couldn't help but admire.

Dominic chuckled at my excitement. Suddenly, all humor vanished from his face as he instructed her in an authoritative tone, "Prepare a dress for my wife for tomorrow's event."

Eva, recognizing the shift in Dominic's tone, nodded with a serious expression. "Certainly, Dominic. I'll make sure it's ready on time."

They continued to chat for a little longer, and after that, she shook his hand before exiting his office. Now Dominic's sole attention was on me, and I couldn't help but blush seeing his heated gaze.

"How long have you known her?" I asked, attempting to divert his attention.

"I have known her since my college years," he replied.

Hearing his words, a wave of disappointment washed over me. Nodding slightly, I masked my feelings and changed the topic to something lighter.

"Victoria," sensing the shift in my demeanor, he called me softly.

"Hmm?" I responded, turning to face him.

"I swear, I don't want anyone but you. You are the only one I want in my life until my last breath. No one but you. You are everything I ever desired and wished for. I know I've made mistakes in my life, but you are the most wonderful thing that ever happened to me. Please, don't ever doubt our marriage," he poured his heart out.

I took a deep breath, letting his words sink in, and nodded with a faint smile.

"Don't overthink, Victoria. We can't change the past. What matters most is the present," he reasoned with me, his words soothing my troubled mind.

"Dominic..." I began, my voice filled with gratitude.

"Sí, Amore?" he replied, his eyes filled with love and concern.

"Where is the lunch date you promised me earlier?" I asked, trying to lighten the mood.

He chuckled and with a peck on my lips, he got up from the couch and grabbed his keys. "Let's go, Tesoro," he said, his hand extended for me to take as we headed out for our lunch date.

End of the chapter

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