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"She didn't want love. She wanted to be loved. And that was entirely different."



It's been a month since I started dating Alex, and I have to say, I'm really happy with my choice. Today, we've planned a date in Central Park, and here I am, 15 minutes early, eagerly waiting for him. I feel so giddy today, just overflowing with happiness.

As for Dominic, he called me a few times, and We've exchanged a few messages, just checking in on each other's well-being. After that night, Dominic hasn't brought up the topic of Alex and I'm grateful for that.

As I was lost in thought, my phone rang, snapping me back to reality. Seeing Dominic's name on the screen, a smile spread across my lips. "Speak of the devil," I murmured, answering the call.

"Victoria, Where are you?" he asked eagerly, his voice filled with excitement.

"I'm at Central Park," I responded.

"Wait there, I'll be there in 10 minutes," he rushedly replied.

"What happened, Dominic?" I asked, feeling confused.

"Just wait for me, Victoria," he replied.

Once Dominic ended the call abruptly, I stared at my phone screen, puzzled by his unexpected excitement. With his office close to Central Park, I anticipated his arrival any minute. But what had gotten him so worked up? Shaking my head, I dialed Alex's number.

After two rings, he picked up, his deep voice resonating in my ear. Before I could even say hello, he spoke lovingly, "I'm on my way, sweetheart. I'll be there in 15 minutes."

"Okay," I replied, blushing at his affectionate words.

As I was about to slip my phone into my pocket, I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me from behind, causing a surprised gasp to escape my lips.

"Oh, Victoria, my lovely, lovely Victoria," Dominic's voice rang out with unmistakable joy. "I'm so happy today." He beamed.

I turned to face him, noticing the radiance on his face and the twinkle in his eyes. With a smile, I asked, "What happened, Nic? Spill the beans, now."

He grinned broadly, his excitement palpable. "Guess what? I just got the deal !" he exclaimed, his voice filled with pride. "

Suddenly, he lifted me from the ground and twirled me around, and I couldn't help but giggle at his antics. "Congratulations, Dominic," I said, genuinely happy for him. "But please, put me down now."

As I laughed and pleaded with him to put me down, he finally obliged, gently tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "Let's celebrate, Sweetheart," he exclaimed enthusiastically. "Okay, okay," I replied between giggles as he grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the exit. "Wait, Nic," I called out, trying to catch my breath as he dragged me along.

He halted abruptly, turning to face me with a puzzled expression. "What's wrong?" he inquired. "We'll celebrate your victory later."

"Why?" he pressed, I could sense his confusion as he awaited my response.

"Because I have a date in 10 minutes." I informed with a smile and Instantly, his demeanor shifted, his features hardening with an unmistakable glint of anger in his eyes.

Before I could react, a disapproving cough interrupted our conversation, and my gaze shifted to a displeased Alex standing nearby.

I couldn't gauge how long he'd been standing there observing us. His gaze flickered between me and our intertwined hands.

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