New Friends

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"True friends are great riches."


"Don't worry too much; you know I convinced Theo after 2 years of my marriage. And when I became pregnant, Nico and I weren't on good terms," Iris reassured me.

"I thought the news overwhelmed him, but how wrong I was. That day I heard him say that he doesn't lôve me, and I cried a lot on the streets of New York. And on that very same day, I handed him the divorce papers."

"Really?" I asked, surprised by her revelation.

"But you are still happily married with two kids and a third on the way, how ironic," I remarked.

"Victoria, my sweetheart, Nico and I may have our differences. We argue, we have our fights, but in the end, what truly matters is that we both lôve each other. Through the ups and downs, our lôve has weathered storms, emerging resilient. Nico and I may clash at times, but those moments are just ripples in the vast sea of our shared affection."

"But I don't think Dominic truly lôves me, Iris," I confessed, my doubts resurfacing.

"Yes, he's my best friend, but sometimes I can't help but question... I mean, there are moments when uncertainties linger in the air. I told you about that hotel incident, and yes, he apologized in such a sweet way, but still, my heart haven't find peace."

"Victoria, don't let misunderstandings cloud your relationship," Iris advised.

"I know, but..." I began to reply, but before I could continue, a female voice echoed from the hall. Confused, I glanced at Iris, who smiled and shook her head.

"Iris, my darling, how are you?" the voice greeted and With a mischievous grin, she remarked, "Oh, look here, Nicolaides has knocked you again," she playfully wiggled her eyes, leaving me staring at her in astonishment, my mouth agape.

I had just taken a sip from my cup when she commented once more, "You lôve his disco stick, don't you?" I coughed so hard, taken aback by her casual mention of 'disco stick' as a reference to her husband's dîck.

Iris's cheeks tinted pink as she glared intensely at Layla. "You are a huge pervert, Layla. Stop reading so many smut books."

Unfazed, Layla grinned shamelessly. Now, her gaze fixed on me as she flopped onto the couch, inquiring with a playful smile, "And who's this pretty lady?" I chuckled nervously, caught off guard by her attention.

"This is Victoria, my new friend," Iris replied, and Layla seized the opportunity, extending a hand with a sly grin. "You're so pretty. I wish I were a lesbian, but unfortunately, I'm straight," Layla remarked with a playful tone.

Iris managed to stifle her laughter and warned her, "Cut it out, Layla. If Victoria's husband catches wind of your shameless flirting, he might not be too pleased."

Unfazed, Layla shot back with a playful smirk, "I don't mind risking it all for a beauty like her."

I took her hand and shook it. "Hi Layla, you're also too pretty," I complimented, returning the kindness.

"You being a friend of Iris makes you a friend of mine too," she said with a determined face, and I couldn't help but smile warmly at her.

"Of course," I replied.

As we shared more stories and laughter, it became evident that the bond between Iris, Layla, and me was growing stronger

"So when are you returning to Germany?" I inquired Layla as Iris got up to give instructions to the housekeeper for dinner.

"Today at 9," Layla said with a pout, and I couldn't help but smile at her dramatic antics.

In these two hours, I discovered that she had been an assistant to Nicolaides. However, when her grandfather's health deteriorated, she flew back to Germany. It was there that she started working with Mr. Russell as his assistant because Mr. Russell and Layla's grandfather share a friendship. So, basically, Layla was Sebastian's grandfather's assistant.

"I need to make some calls," she said while looking at her watch, dialing someone's number on her phone. "My two old men will never take care of themselves," she mumbled as she got up from the couch.

As she talked on the phone, I leaned back on the couch, contemplating Dominic's probable reaction when he discovers that I dared to remove the vibrator within me. I looked at my purse and couldn't help but giggle. Now, the vibrator is causing my purse to orgasm.

I was in the midst of my giggling session when I heard Layla's loud voice. "I'm going to tell your wife, old man, that you're skipping your medicines," she declared sternly and massaged her temples. "Alright, I'm a brat, I agree. Now, take your medicine," Layla said sternly, her voice carrying loving concern as she continued her call.

I shifted my gaze away from Layla to check my phone, finding a few messages from Dominic.

Dominic: Are you enjoying, cara?"

Me: Yes, very much

A few moments later, my phone pinged with another message.

Dominic: When are you going to be free, and when can I come to pick you up?

Me: Come by around 8.

Dominic: Perfect. I'll be there at 8. Can't wait to see you,

Dominic's swift reply brought a smile to my lips.

As Layla wrapped up her call, she shot me a sly grin. "Looks like someone's in for a good night."

Suddenly, Layla's eyes zeroed in on my neck, and I blushed furiously. Iris also came back and sat on the couch.

Layla raised an eyebrow, a mischievous smirk playing on her lips. "What's this? A little lôve bite, perhaps?"

I quickly put my hand on the mark. "It... it... I... I..." I tried to stammer out an explanation as Layla teased, and my blush deepened.

She winked and leaned in with a conspiratorial whisper. "You'll have to spill the details later."

"Why would she share details with you?" Iris interrupted, her tone carrying a mix of curiosity and amusement.

"I'm single and don't have much experience, so I thought I could learn from your experiences," Layla explained.

"That's why I say, get married as soon as possible and get your own experience," Iris teased, her words carrying a playful yet sincere undertone.

"Yeah, I also thought about getting married, but I don't know how to land a sugar daddy," Layla announced without any shame.

"What happened to the cute boy you met in a café last week?" Iris inquired.

"I don't find him cute anymore, so I blocked his number," Layla admitted with a nonchalant shrug, and Iris and I exchanged glances, both of us looking at her as if she had lost her mind.

"Why are you so afraid of marriage, Layla?" Iris asked.

"I'm not afraid, Iris. I just find the concept of marriage weird," Layla responded.

"Why?" I chimed in, curious to understand Layla's perspective on the concept of marriage." Just imagine,"

Layla exclaimed, raising her hands as if giving a presentation. "I got married and went on my honeymoon, so my parents obliviously knew that I'm taking the vitamin dîck day and night," Layla revealed with a mischievous smile. "And if, by any chance, I get pregnant, they'll know exactly what I did and in which position I did it. Don't you think it's embarrassing? Oh God, I can't even imagine it, it's so horrible!" Layla exclaimed, goosebumps raising on her skin.

"You are crazy," I said, controlling my laughter, and soon Iris also joined me.

End of the chapter
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