Unrequited Love

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"Pleasure of love lasts but a moment. Pain of love lasts a lifetime."

~Bette Davis


(Victoria 16 & Dominic 18)

With Lily beside me, I looked around and saw that the party was in full swing.

"How did you arrange the invitation, Victoria?" Lily asked curiously.

"A friend of mine gave me the invitations."

"But this is a very private party, and only a select few are allowed in this club."

"I guess I got lucky then" I replied, trying to keep it like a no big deal

"But, Victoria, this club..."

"Lily," I called softly, "okay, I'm sorry, but my father arranged the tickets for us," I explained, hoping she would drop the subject.


"Oh, look there, Victoria, isn't he Sebastian Russell? Oh God, he's really handsome," Lily exclaimed, catching sight of him across the room.


Suddenly, my eyes landed on Marco, he also spotted me. Before I could signal him to be quiet, he shouted my name at the top of his lungs.


Sebastian and Christian also noticed and waved in my direction.

"Who are they waving to?" Lily asked me curiously.

"I don't know, Lily," I replied, and before they could do anything else, I signaled them to keep quiet.

They nodded in understanding and After that, I kept Lily busy, exploring the club here and there, when suddenly Dominic made an announcement, asking everyone to gather in the hall.

We were on the first floor, where we could clearly see the hall stage.

As Dominic got up on the stage with a beautiful girl in his arms, I felt a familiar pang in my heart. It was a pain I had grown familiar to, but it never failed to hurt. Every time Dominic introduced a new girl, it felt like someone twisted a knife in my chest and ripped my heart out, leaving it bleeding in my palm.

"Victoria, she is Elena D' Luca! OMG, they look so beautiful together!" Lily exclaimed excitedly.

My heart clenched in my chest as I remember, Elena D' Luca, the beauty queen of our college. Indeed, they do look beautiful together.

"Ladies and gentlemen, tonight I have a big announcement to make," Dominic declared from the stage, capturing everyone's attention.

"I'd like to introduce this beautiful girl to everyone. As you all know, this is Elena D' Luca, and she is my girlfriend," Dominic announced proudly, causing murmurs of approval and admiration to ripple through the crowd.

"We've been together for some time now, and I couldn't be happier to have her by my side," Dominic added, his gaze affectionate as he looked at Elena.

Feeling like someone was ripping my soul from my bones, tears gathered in my eyes, but I refused to let them fall. The weight of suffocation bore down on me, making it hard to breathe. I needed to escape this suffocating place as soon as possible, so I excused myself.

"Excuse me, Lily, I need to use the washroom," I said hurriedly.

"I can accompany you," Lily offered.

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