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"I saw something in her that made me never want to let her go."

~Mark Anthony.




(Victoria 17 & Dominic 19)

As I observed Victoria and her friend Lily whispering and giggling in the corner, Ignoring the world around them, they seemed lost in their own little bubble of laughter.

Meanwhile, I stood alone in the corner, feeling a surge of jealousy building up inside me. I knew I shouldn't be jealous of another girl, but the thought of Lily monopolizing Victoria's attention filled me with irrational angered.

I clenched my fists, struggling to contain my emotions, I desperately wanted to kill Lily. She was taking away my Victoria, and I couldn't stand it.

From the moment she descended the stairs, I found myself unable to look away. Tonight, she looked breathtakingly gorgeous, and I couldn't resist stealing glances whenever I had the chance, I couldn't deny the fact that she took my breath away whenever she smiled.

I had been trying my best to maintain my distance, but when I saw her walking towards the kitchen with Lily, my patience finally ran out, and I found myself walking in their direction.

I know, I had been behaving like a jerk to her but I never expected her reaction to be like this.

I mean, I'm aware that I'm just a friend to her, she had made that clear a long time ago and I respected the boundaries. That's why I'll never admit my feelings towards her. I can't risk losing her at any cost. I don't want us to become strangers.

And on prom night, if I hadn't changed my partner, I was on the edge of losing my control. I was merely a step away from giving in to all my dark, lustful desires.

Shaking my head, and throwing all unwanted X-rated thoughts, I quickened my pace towards the kitchen.

As I stepped into the kitchen, my eyes landed on Victoria and Lily standing near the counter, sharing cake and giggling. The sight ignited a surge of anger and jealousy within me, and I knew I couldn't hold back any longer.

"Victoria," I called out. My voice trembling with emotions.

Her head snapped in my direction, and I could see her face pale with surprise. "I want to talk to you, please," I pleaded, desperation creeping into my voice.

But Victoria's response was immediate and cold. "I don't want to talk to you, Dominic. Please leave," she said firmly.

Victoria's words hit me like a blow to my chést, and for a moment, I felt as though the air had been knocked out of me, but could I blame her? No.

"Please, Victoria, don't do this to me," I pleaded, "If you're angry, shout at me. Scream If you want, you can even hit me. But please, don't shut me out. Please, talk to me."

"Dominic, I don't want any of this. Just please leave me alone,"

"No, "Except this, just tell me how to make it up to you?"

"Dominic..." Victoria began, but Lily cut her off with a sharp interruption her tone laced with hatred. "Dude, don't you understand? She doesn't want you here, so leave."

I felt a surge of irritation coursing through me, and I gritted my teeth in annoyance. "And who the fück are you to interrupt between us?" I retorted, unable to contain my anger.

"Victoria's best friend" lily shot back with smirk.

"Victoria's best friend? Hah, who told you this?" I started to retort, but before I could say more, Victoria shot me a glare filled with anger. Meanwhile, Lily stuffed her mouth with more cake and shot me a smirk that seemed to say, "Serves you right, möthèrfücker."

"Dominic! Stop and get out," Victoria exclaimed, her voice trembling with anger.

"No, you tell her to go," I insisted, my own anger bubbling to the surface and The words spilled out fueled by jealousy. "She's the one who's been taking you away from me. Because of her, I couldn't even bear to see your face for the whole month."

As Victoria stood right in front of me, arms crossed over her chest, her eyes blazing with fire and her cheeks flushed with anger, I couldn't help but notice how incredibly hot she looked.

Focus, Dominic, focus, I reminded myself and quickly shook my head, forcing myself to focus on the argument at hand

"I just left for a month, Dominic, and here you are complaining. But what about you, huh? You leave me every year to spend your holidays with your friends, but did I ever complain? No. So you don't have any right to complain."

"I never treated you like this, Victoria."

"Oh really, Dominic? So how did you really treat me?" she challenged, meeting my gaze.

"I never ignored you like you did to me," I said directly looking into her beautiful eyes. "While I was away, I ensured to call you every morning without fail. Our conversations were the highlight of my day, my day start with our morning chats and end with our nighttime calls. I never once failed to reach out."

Just as I was about to reach for her hand, Lily's voice cut through the air like acid. "What are you, a five-year-old?" she snapped, "Stop it and leave her alone, for God's sake. Quit clinging to her like a leech."

and now I had enough, I took a step in Lily's direction, frustration boiling over, I snapped, "Get the fück  out of here." But before I could take another step, Victoria grabbed my hand, halting me in my tracks.

"Dominic, please leave," she said coldly.

"No, you tell her to leave us alone," I insisted, my frustration mounting.

"I'm not saying that to her," She replied firmly.

"Victoria, she's driving us apart, can't you see that?" I argued desperately.

"She's not the one doing this, Dominic,"

"So who's causing this distance between us, Victoria?" I inquired, searching her eyes for an answer.

"You are, Dominic," she responded, her tone unwavering.

"Me?" I repeated, surprised by her accusation.

"Yes, you," she affirmed, her gaze steady.

"Alright then, let me handle this my way."

"What do you mean?" Her tone, laced with confusion, reached my ears as I made my way towards the strawberries.

As I reached for a strawberry, I turned to face her, only to see pure horror reflected in her eyes.

"Tell her to leave us alone, Victoria," I demanded.

"Dominic, are you crazy? Don't you dare eat that," she exclaimed, her voice filled with alarm.

"Tell her, Victoria," I insisted.

"No," she responded firmly.

Hearing her reply, I placed the strawberry in my mouth knowing that this issue was finally going to settle as darkness overtook my consciousness.

End of the chapter
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