Something Strange

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"The things you do for love, are the same things you swear not to do."

~Papa Jack


As the soft glow of city lights filters through the expansive windows of my office, casting shadows across the room, I find myself lost in thought.

I have everything I ever desired: cars, luxury, women, EVERY FÜCKÏNG THING But still,  there's this lingering sense of emptiness, like something is still missing.

With a heavy sigh, I pour myself a drink, the clink of ice against glass echoing in the silence, Suddenly, my thoughts drifted to the dare, the bet between Me and Marco, and again An uncomfortable sigh escaped my lips.

I'm fully aware that this isn't right. If Victoria ever found out about this, she'd never want to see my face again, and that thought Fückïng scares the hell out of me.

The thought of losing Victoria, of her turning away from me in disappointment and anger, sends a shiver down my spine. She means everything to me, more than all the material possessions and fleeting pleasures.

As I found myself lost in thought, the sudden ring of my phone snapped me back to reality. With a sigh, I reached for the phone, wondering who could be calling at this moment.

Seeing my father's name flashing on the screen, I quickly received the call, As I lifted the phone to my ear, the tone in my father's voice carried a distinct tone of concern, unlike any of our typical exchanges.

"Dad, what's up? Is everything alright?" My concern grew as I awaited his response.

"Dominic." my father's voice trembled slightly.

My heart skipped a beat as I tightly clutched the phone. "Dad, what happened?" I pressed, noticing the unease in his voice.

"Vogliamo discutere qualcosa di importante con te." (We want to discuss something important with you)

"Va tutto bene, papà? (Is everything alright, dad?)

"Sì, va tutto bene, figlio," (Yes, everything is fine, son) my father replied calmly, trying to reassure me.

"Ma c'è qualcosa di importante che dobbiamo parlare insieme. Puoi incontrarci a casa più tardi? (But there's something important we need to discuss together. Can you meet us at home later?)

"Va bene, papà, sarò lì alle 5." (okay dad, I'll be there at 5)

"Va bene." (Okay)

With that my father hung up the call, leaving me staring at my phone screen in confusion.

As I sat there, thinking about the conversation with my father, a sense of unease settled in the pit of my stomach. What could be so important that both my parents felt the need to discuss it with me?

My mind raced as I pondered the reason, recalling past incidents, but to no avail. With a sigh, I pushed aside my thoughts and focused on the work.


Upon arriving home, I noticed Victoria's parents' car parked in the driveway alongside hers. Confusion deepened in my mind.What could possibly be happening? With my mind still clouded with unanswered questions, I entered the house.

Upon entering the sight of Victoria's flawless back immediately caught my attention, igniting a strong desire to kiss it. I quickly shook my head, pushing away those intrusive thoughts, as I approached her.

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