Hidden Feelings

315 13 4

"There's too much risk in loving."
The young boy said.
Said the old man.
"There's too much risk in not."





(Victoria 16 & Dominic 18)

The teacher had just finished the lecture, and all the students were hurriedly packing their bags. I was the only one who was not in a rush. I wrote down the last question in my notebook and delicately closed it.

"Victoria, please finish quickly, or we're going to miss the entire show!" came my new friend Lily's urgent voice.

"What show, Lily?" I questioned, hurriedly packing my bag.

"Girl, are you even a girl? I mean, don't you have a little interest in our college boys? Don't you know today the Four Horsemen are throwing a party at their club because Dominic, the captain of our football team, won the game?" Lily exclaimed, excitedly.

Dominic, our college football team captain, is also one of the members of the Four Horsemen club, along with Sebastian Russell, Christian Valentino, and Marco López. They're all famous for their looks, wealth, and playboy nature. They change girls like clothes, and with their reputation, I wouldn't be surprised if they've slept with half the women in America by now.

"You go ahead, I'm not coming. I need to complete my notes, so I'm heading to the library," I said, using the excuse to avoid witnessing the girls throwing themselves all over Dominic.

"Ugh, Victoria, not again. Please, just this time," Lily pleaded, hoping for a change of heart.

"I'm sorry, Lily," I said with a sad smile, hoping she would understand. She didn't know that I knew Dominic or that we are friends. She don't know that I had feelings for him, actually no one knows about my feelings, it's complicated.

He's the famous football captain of our college, and on the other hand, I'm just an ordinary nerdy girl.

Our friendship began when I was 5, and he was 7. Our mothers organized a party in the backyard. I was playing on my swing alone when Suddenly, a boy pushed me and snatched my swing. That's when Dominic came to my rescue, like my knight in shining armor.

He helped me so many times, and that's how I fell for him. I don't know the exact moment, how and when he becomes so much more but whenever I found myself in distress, Dominic always there for me like my knight in shining armor.

I love him, God knows I love him with every fiber of my being and it's killing me slowly because to him, I am just a friend.

I don't think if our fathers weren't friends and business partners, he would ever have become my friend.

It hurts to see him with a new girl every time. I don't think he'll ever notice me as a woman, and I know myself well enough to know that I'll never confess my feelings due to my self-respect.

It's not just about self-respect. I don't think we have a future together. We are polar opposites, and there isn't even a one percent chance that I'll end up with him.

But sometimes I don't know if I'm hallucinating, but there are moments when I catch him looking at me. And believe me, friends don't look at each other that way.

Sometimes he's very sweet, and other times he's distant. Sometimes he treats me like his whole world revolves around me, and other times he shuts me off completely. I don't know what he wants or why he's confusing me. it's so complicated.

I wish I could understand his intentions, but it feels like he's sending mixed signals. One moment, he's attentive and caring, and the next, he's distant and aloof. It's exhausting trying to understand his behavior, and I can't help, but he is making me frustrated and confused.

With a messy mind, I reached inside the library. Today, the library was awfully empty. Maybe the students were out there partying. I jerked my head and settled down at my favorite spot: a corner table with very few people around.

I sat on the chair and looked around. There were only five students in the library, and they were all seated far away in the corners. I shook my head and started writing my notes in my notebook.

I was so lost in my work that I didn't realize when someone sat in front of me. I acknowledged his presence when he cleared his throat.

"Hey, honeybee, won't you congratulate me?"

My eyes widened in surprise when I saw him sitting in front of me.

"Dominic, what are you doing here?"

"You didn't come to me, so I came to you," he replied with a grin.

I looked around and thanked God that everyone was busy with their work, so nobody noticed us together.

Feeling a bit relieved, I turned my attention back to Dominic. "Won't you be busy? What are you doing here? Oh yeah, congratulations!". I asked while writing in my notebook, but suddenly he grabbed my hand. 'Are you upset with me, honeybee?' he inquired.

'Why would I be?' I responded, though inside, I was upset because he broke his promise and seemed to forget about it."

"If you're not upset, then let's go. I'm throwing a party," Dominic insisted.

"I'm busy, Dominic. I need to complete my work," I replied, trying to focus on my notes.

Dominic leaned in closer, his expression pleading. "Come on, just for a little while. You deserve a break."


"Have I ever told you how stubborn you are?"

"Yes, a thousand times," I replied still engrossed in my work

"Victoria, please, please please please pretty pleaseeeee," he pleaded, giving me his best puppy eyes. But this time, it wouldn't work on me.

"I'm sorry, Dominic," I said firmly, shaking my head. "I really need to finish this."

He sighed and leaned back in his chair. "Okay, I'll leave you now, but you have to attend the grand celebration tonight at the club," he said, sounding a bit disappointed.

"I'm sorry..." I began, but he cut me off with a side-eye glance.

"No excuses, Victoria. I'll pick you up at 7," he declared firmly, leaving no room for argument.

"But I need to..." I started, but he interrupted me.

"Do you want me to ask for permission from Aunt Grace?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"No," I relented, realizing it was futile to argue further. "I'll be ready at 7." With a resigned sigh, I returned my focus to my work. "And  Dominic, No need to pick me up, I'll be there with a friend of mine," I informed.

"A friend?" he questioned, and I gritted my teeth in annoyance (this básterd truly know too much about me)

"You haven't told me about your friend."

"I'm telling you now," I replied calmly

"Okay, then see you there," he said, giving me a nod before finally leaving the library.


End of the chapter

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