The Honeymoon

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"My hands touch you and know they are home."


Mark Anthony



Dominic was outside, waiting for me, while I found myself in the bathroom, feeling utterly freaked out. I bravely told him that I need an hour but now i doubted if that would be enough. Maybe I wasn't ready yet.

I stood before the mirror, gazing at my reflection, as I took several deep breaths in an attempt to calm my racing heart.

"I am okay, I am okay, I am okay," I chanted softly, like a mantra. Surprisingly, after a few minutes, the mantra seemed to work, and I began to feel a sense of calm wash over me.

After another deep breath, I splashed some cold water on my face.

As I looked down at my hand, my heart skipped a beat. There it was, my wedding ring, It was a beautiful blue diamond, exactly the color of my eyes.

I removed the ring from my finger before preparing my bathtub with warm water and my favorite lavender odor. Discarding my clothes onto the floor, I eased myself into the tub and closed my eyes.

Lost in the soothing embrace of the water, I lost track of time. When I finally opened my eyes, I found the once-warm water now cold.

Stepping out of the tub, I towel-dried myself and wore a robe. As I walked out of the bathroom, I felt nervous, like really really nervous. My heart pounding in my chest, and my head swirling, almost as if I was high on some drúgs.

Noticing the glass door still open, I made my way toward the ocean. But as my feet met the sand, a trail of Dominic's clothes caught my eyes.

He stood in the ocean, completely nákèd, under the mesmerizing glow of the moon. It was a sight to behold, him under the enchanting moonlight, so lost in its beauty.

I entered the water, also nákèd beneath my robe, but he remained still unaware of my presence.

Quietly, I moved closer, walking and swimming until I stood beside him. Together, we beheld the breathtaking scene before us: the moon and the ocean merging like two secret lovers meeting under the night sky.

"It's so beautiful," I whispered, unable to tear my eyes away from the enchanting scene.

"Indeed... so beautiful," he murmured in agreement.

As our gazes met, I noticed he wasn't gazing at the moon; instead, his eyes were fixed solely on me.

"I had an aquaphobia." I said again turning my attention to the moon.

"I know, sweetheart," he said, tenderly. "But still, the ocean has always fascinated you." he added with admiration in his eyes.

"Do you know why I wanted to overcome my aquaphobia?" I asked, turning to him.


"Because it somehow reminds me of you and me," I explained. "The ocean and its waves..."

"How?" he asked, leaning in closer.

"You know," I began, my voice barely above a whisper, "I've been in love with you since I first learned the meaning of this word."

"That's why the ocean has always fascinated me," I confessed, "because there's nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the waves, no matter how many times they drift away."

"Just like that," I continued, turning to him, "you are my ocean to my waves. Without you, I would crash and break."

"You... you've been in love with me?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Yes," I confessed, my heart pounding in my chest. "For so long... I've loved you for so long, Dominic. I've waited for you... so long."

I finished speaking, but there was no reply. Sensing the tension, I just opened my mouth to say something, anything, to break the uncomfortable silence when he attacked on my lips.

He was kissing me so passionately and savagely that I needed to tear my mouth away from his to catch my breath

"You love me?" he asked. "Yes," I replied, my heart racing with emotion.

"You love me, you fûcking love me, Victoria," he exclaimed, "It feels like a dream, Càra."

He squealed like a child, but he didn't return my words, leaving a knot of doubt and questions in my stomach. Despite the uncertainty swirling in my mind, I didn't want to ruin the moment by overthinking. So I gathered all my courage and finally asked him.

"Do you love me, Dominic?"

But he didn't reply. Instead, he captured my lips once more, his kiss consuming and intense, as if his very existence depended on it. His grip on my waist tightened, and I felt a sudden tug at the knot of my robe.

A few seconds later, my robe floated away on the water's surface.

"My robe," I pouted. "You don't need it," he murmured, before crashing his mouth against mine once again in a savage yet passionate kiss.


End of the chapter

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