Tragedy Of Love

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"Pleasure of love lasts but a moment. Pain of love lasts a lifetime."

~Bette Davis



In the embrace of my new friend, life felt perfect, almost surreal. Dominic was on the other floor with Nicolaides and a few others, likely discussing his new security software and its impending launch.

"You're coming to Greece, and that's final," Iris voice interrupted my thoughts, breaking the reverie. I smiled warmly at her. "Of course, I am!" I replied eagerly.


"After seven months," I replied, sensing her disappointment as her expression fell.

Suppressing a laugh, I watched as she rolled her beautiful eyes. "When are you returning to Greece?" I inquired to change the subject.

"Next week," she replied Then, out of the blue, she spoke again, "If you have time, let's have lunch together on Saturday?"

"Absolutely," I nodded warmly.

"Perfect, I'll send you the details," she confirmed with a smile.

"Okay," I said, returning her smile.

After another warm hug, I felt my phone vibrate with a message from Dominic, signaling it was time to go. Quickly replying, I grabbed my coat.

As I slid into my coat, I promised to keep in touch and made my way out of the room. Dominic's text informed me he was waiting for me in the lobby downstairs, prompting me to hurry along.

With a smile, I hastened my steps until I reached the lobby. Dominic greeted me warmly, but his expression changed abruptly as his eyes darted past me.

Puzzled, I turned around to see what had captured his attention, but there was no one there. When I faced Dominic again, his focus had shifted entirely, fixed on someone else.

Confused, I approached him, trying to discern the cause of his distraction. It was then that I noticed who had stolen his attention—Elena D'Luca.

Ignoring my presence, Dominic's eyes remained locked on Elena, leaving me feeling forgotten and overshadowed.

He was looking at her holding his breath and I found it hard to catch mine, This large and expansive lobby suddenly felt too small, too suffocated with the weight of unspoken emotions.

Time seemed to freeze for him.

Dominic's lingering gaze on Elena revealed a chapter of his heart that I hadn't fully understood.

As his past and present collided, the realization drowned upon me. He loves her... Oh God, he still loves her, not me.

And At this moment, one more realization hit me, he never uttered those three magic words to me, not even once.

In that moment, the bustling world around me faded into the background, and I found myself caught in the crosscurrents of emotions. Dominic's lingering gaze on Elena spoke volumes—he still harbored a love for her, a love that rendered me breathless, yearning for a place I couldn't occupy in his heart.

Suddenly, without bothering to glance in my direction, he uttered, "Let's go." and With long strides, he left the lobby.

The tears that streamed down my cheeks carried the weight of unspoken sorrows, each droplet a testament to the beauty of a love lost in the maze of time

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