The Bet

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"Love is an untamed force. When we try to control it, it destroys us. When we try to imprison it, it enslaves us. When we try to understand it, it leaves us feeling lost and confused."

~Paulo Coelho

I was already irritated after learning that Victoria was dating someone, and to make matters worse, she had agreed to spend time with him. It didn't seem fair to me. I had asked her first, so it should have been me. I was the one who deserved her time, not that bloody doctor.

Upon reaching my club, my already sour mood only deepened. My friends were already here, which only made things worse. With a deep sigh, I slumped onto one of the luxurious couches, and lit a cigarette.

"Woah Woah woah....Who's managed to get under our Dominic's skin?" my friend exclaimed, noticing my irritation.

I gritted my teeth as I looked at him, then shifted my gaze to the half-náked girl on his lap. "I'm really not in the mood, Chris," I replied, shooting him a side glance.

"Why are you in a bad mood? Is your Díck still hard, buddy?" Christian's voice carried a teasing undertone.

"Why are you asking, do you want a taste?" I replied irritated.

"Nope, but you have 2 very capable hands."

"Just shut up Chris, and Why are you even here? Shouldn't you be preparing for tomorrow's race?" I inquired, my frustration evident in my voice.

"I don't have a race tomorrow," Christian replied, ravishing the girl's mouth.

"Get a room. I have no interest in watching live pörn," I said, closing my eyes to calm my racing heart.

As I kept my eyes closed, the sound of the door opening interrupted the room's atmosphere. And a  few moments later, Sebastian's annoying voice reached my ears.

"Why is our Dommy in a sour mood today?" he asked.

Before I could say him Fück off, Christian replied to him his tone carrying a hint of seriousness. "Don't ask, he's on his periods."

And on this, they both laughed as if it was the funniest joke of the century.

Their laughter already intensified my irritation. I clenched my jaw, trying to block out the sound, but it only seemed to echo louder in my ears. With a frustrated sigh, I stood up, needing to escape the suffocating atmosphere of the room.

Before I could reach the door, Marco entered the room, his expression puzzled as he glanced at all of us.

"What joke am I missing today?" he inquired.

Christian happily chimed in, looking at him. "You also came."

Taking a seat on the couch, Marco replied dead serious, "That's what my girlfriend said a few hours earlier."

I glanced at both of them, I sighed, rubbing my temples in frustration.

"Why do I even bother being friends with you two?" I muttered, exasperated, as I ran my hands through my hair.

"Hey, why does Dominic look so down?" Marco asked, curious.

"I have no idea, man," Christian replied with a shrug.

After some conversation, Marco ordered drinks for everyone and settled back on the couch. He closed his eyes and massaged his temples.

"Dominic, I've been thinking about something." he began.

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