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"It is both a blessing and a curse to feel everything so very deeply."





(Victoria 17 & Dominic 19)

It's been exactly seven days since I landed back in New York from my trip to Canada. With each passing day, I've noticed my mood gradually lifting, like a weight being lifted off my shoulders. On the other hand, I've been in a phase where I'm totally ignoring Dominic's existence. I've only answered his calls and messages when absolutely necessary, As I can't completely cut him out of my life due to our family ties.

Today is my grandfather's birthday, and I couldn't be happier. Nothing and no one can ruin my mood today—I'm determined to keep it that way.

I'm especially thrilled because I've invited my best friend, Lily, to join us at our family gathering for the first time. As for Dominic, well, I know he'll be there with his family, but frankly, I've reached a point where his presence doesn't bother me anymore.

Yes seriously!

So Here I am, eagerly waiting for Lily's arrival, my heart brimming with excitement. Today holds an extra dose of happiness because we've planned to get ready together. And guess what? Here's a little secret: our outfits for today are almost identical, like we're twinning.

The memory of our recent shopping spree brings a smile to my face and I couldn't help but giggle at the fun we had. Lily's presence in my life is an absolute gift; she's more than a friend, she's the sister I've always wished for.

A few moments later, the door to my bedroom swings wide open, and there stands Lily with a mischievous grin on her innocent-looking face. Oh, Lily may seem sweet and innocent on the outside, but let me tell you, her mind is anything but. She's the biggest pervert I've ever had the pleasure (or should I say, misfortune?) of meeting. They say it's the quiet ones you have to watch out for, and with Lily, that couldn't be more accurate.

"Hey, baby cupcakes," Lily greeted me with her usual playful nickname before plopping down beside me on the bed. We sat in comfortable silence for a few moments, but I could tell she was lost in her thoughts. Suddenly, she sprung up and declared, "Victoria, listen, I've decided what career I'm choosing after graduation," in her serious voice. However, knowing Lily's nature I knew it's anything but serious.

"What do you want to become now?" I asked in a bored, flat voice. Conversations about Lily's career aspirations tended to be a rollercoaster ride—today she wanted to be a teacher, tomorrow a doctor, and the day after, she was planning to be a mom to five kids. Once, she even joked about becoming a professional spoon tester, claiming it was the easiest way to become a millionaire.


"What?" I asked, utterly shocked by her unexpected declaration.

"Yes, baby cupcakes, shepherd," Lily confirmed, "I want to become a shepherd," Lily declared, her tone remarkably serious.

"Why?" I inquired, still trying to wrap my head around her sudden desire to become a shepherd.

"My relatives are really irritating, and this world..." Lily sighed dramatically, as if she were carrying the weight of the entire universe on her shoulders. "It's a peaceful way to live life without disturbance, and the main reason why I want to become a shepherd is..." She paused, and I could see tears welling up in her eYes. "I don't want to study further." I couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of her reasoning.

"So, instead of dealing with annoying relatives and the chaos of the world, you'd rather spend your days herding sheep?"


Hmm... That's quite a way to avoid exams." I teased, Stifling my laugh.

Lily's eyes widened in surprise, and We both dissolved into laughter, the absurdity of the situation hitting us both. "Who needs exams when you can be the boss of a flock of fluffy sheep?" Lily exclaimed, and again We laughed until tears streamed down our faces,

In between our uncontrollable laughter, Lily suddenly straightened up, wiping tears from her eyes. "But wait," she said, her voice now serious, "imagine me, the shepherd extraordinaire, leading my flock with a shepherd's crook in one hand and a textbook in the other!"

We both dissolved into another fit of laughter at the absurd mental image. "Who needs grades when you can have grazing rights?" Lily exclaimed, barely able to get the words out between giggles. It was a moment of pure comedic gold.

"Stop, stop, stop!" I managed to gasp out between fits of laughter, clutching my stomach. Lily and I both struggled to catch our breath.

"Phew, that was intense!" I exclaimed, finally regaining control of my laughter and catching my breath. Lily nodded in agreement, "Who knew discussing shepherding could be so entertaining?" she remarked, still chuckling softly.

And That's how we spent our entire evening, getting ready and sharing jokes.

"Whoa, you're looking freaking hot and cute at the same time, Bubbles!" Lily's voice rang out from behind me as I examined myself in the mirror. Her compliment brought a smile on my face.

"Thanks, Lily!" I replied, turning to face her with a grin. "You're looking pretty fantastic too."

After one last check in the mirror, Lily and I made our way downstairs to the bustling hall. The party was in full swing, with guests scattered about—some laughing and chatting over food, others dancing to the music, and a few engaged in animated discussions.

Taking in the lively atmosphere, Lily and I descended the stairs, eager to join in. As we made our way through the crowd, we greeted a few guests with warm smiles and exchanged pleasantries.

Suddenly, Lily leaned in close and whispered in my ear, "Victoria, it is time."

"Time for what?" I asked, curious by her mysterious tone.

"Time for mission: eat chocolate lava cake to your heart's content," Lily declared with dramatic flair.

I couldn't help but shake my head at her antics, but before I could protest, she grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the kitchen. As we made our way through the bustling party, I couldn't shake the feeling of someone's burning gaze on me, but I pushed the thought aside, focusing instead on the delicious mission ahead.

End of the chapter
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