Red Dress

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"I'm a mess, but I'm the mess that you wanted."

~Taylor Swift
(Victoria 17 & Dominic 19)

A year passed since Dominic announced his relationship with Elena. During this time, I intentionally created some distance between us. I stopped our late-night chats and calls, put an end to our movie nights and outings.

Sometimes, he expressed frustration at these changes and questioned why I had changed. However, I simply smiled and calmly replied that now he had a girlfriend, and he should respect her by not spending too much time with me.

In this past year, Lily and I have become even closer friends. She's truly my one true friend, always providing me with emotional support and offering her shoulder to cry on whenever I needed it the most.

On the other hand, Dominic and his buddies are about to graduate, so prom preparation is in full swing.

I was on my way to the canteen after finishing my last class when I heard a student's voice behind me.

"Victoria, Victoria, listen!"

I turned around to see Dan, a classmate of Dominic's, approaching me

"Yes, Dan? What's up?" I inquired.

He seemed nervous, struggling to find the right words.

"I... I...," he stuttered, clearly hesitating.

I placed my hand on his shoulder, concerned. "What happened, Dan? You can tell me."

He took a deep breath and finally managed to ask, "Will you... actually... can you... be my partner on prom night?"

His request caught me off guard, and for a moment, I was speechless.

"Dan, I..." I started to think of a polite way to decline his invitation, but before I could respond, I heard Dominic's angry voice interjecting.

"Dan, I think you might have forgotten your place. Let me be clear: the answer to your question is no. No, she will not accompany you to prom because she will be my partner. Now, will you please get lost?" Dominic's tone was harsh, and I was taken aback by his words.

"Dominic, behave! That's so rude," I scolded him, trying to defuse the tension but he didn't pay me any attention.

"Would I need to make an invitation for you to leave, Dan?" Dominic continued, his frustration evident.

"Fück off," Dominic growled, clearly annoyed by Dan.

"Dominic!" I exclaimed, shocked by his behaviour

Before I could apologize to Dan or intervene further, he left us with a look of sadness on his face.

Feeling sad, I watched Dan's retreating back.Turning back to Dominic, I couldn't help but express my frustration.

"What's your problem, Dominic? He was asking me so nicely, and why are you so rude to him? Huh? And most importantly, why did you interrupt in our matter?"

Dominic's expression darkened "Your matter?"

"Your matter is my matter, Victoria, because you are mine."

"I... I mean, you are my best friend, only mine. So it would only be fair that you'd be my partner on my prom night."

"So, will you be my prom partner, Honeybee?"


"No?, What do you mean by 'no'?"

"I mean N O. No."

"But why?"

"You have Elena; ask her to be your prom partner and, for God's sake, leave me alone."

"No, I want you to be my partner"

"Dominic Will you please, for Christ's sake, leave me out of your mess?, I said no means no."

I declared and took hurried steps in the opposite direction, intending to escape, but fate had other plans. Before I could flee, he grabbed my wrist and stopped me from leaving.

"What do you want, Dominic?" I asked, irritated.

His grip tightened slightly on my wrist as he met my gaze with intensity. "You"

I yanked my wrist free from his grasp, my frustration on peek. "You know what, Dominic? Go to hell," I snapped turning on my heel.

As I walked away, I could feel Dominic's eyes boring into my back and Moments later, he was walking beside me, wearing that very annoying grin.

"You look cute when you're angry, honeybee," he remarked, his tone dripping with teasing sarcasm.

I let out a heavy sigh and stopped in my tracks, feeling Dominic's presence lingering beside me. His deep eyes bore into mine as I finally voiced my concern.

"Why aren't you asking Elena? She's your girlfriend, Dominic. She'll be upset if you take me to prom," I said, trying to reason with him, even though I knew it was all in vain.

Dominic paused, his expression unreadable. "I don't want Elena to be my partner.

"Why not?" I asked frustrated.

He hesitated for a moment before meeting my gaze with sincerity. "I just... I want you to be my partner," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper.

After Hearing him I couldn't help but soften my voice "Dominic, you can't just change your plans like that. It's not fair to Elena."

"I'll talk to her about this, I promise."

As I stood there, thinking about his request, Despite my reservations I couldn't ignore the intensity in his eyes.

"Okay I'll think about it"

"I have a one more request Victoria"

Giving him a side-eye, I couldn't help but notice his ear-to-ear grin. "What's more, Nic?"

His grin widened even further as he made his request, his eyes dancing with excitement."Please wear a red dress."

I rolled my eyes at his insistence."I didn't say yes, Dominic. I said I'll think about it," I reminded him firmly.

He smiled in response. "Both are the same thing, cára." with that he walked away, his figure retreating into the distance. Suddenly, he halted and spun around, catching me off guard.

"I love you in red," he declared, accompanied by the quintessential Italian gesture of blowing a kiss with his fingers. (🤌🏻)

As his words sank in, my heart skipped a beat, still lingering in the afterglow of his earlier words. Before I could fully process it, Dominic spoke again.

"I'll pick you up at 6 in two days. Take good care of yourself, sweetheart," he said, his voice gentle and affectionate with that he walked away.

End of the chapter
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