Dark Obsession

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"I will look for you in every lifetime, until we finally stay."

~Butterflies Rising


As I dried my hair with a towel after the shower, my gaze fell upon our bed and Memories of her tearful eyes flashed through my mind. I never liked seeing her cry; I never wanted to give her a reason to shed tears. Instead, the only time I appreciated her teary eyes when I am inside her.

My mind raced with untamed thoughts, dwelling on some of my most significant mistakes. Like Elena.

I was never in love with her. Or I say I never loved her because I was obsessed with a certain blonde. Elena was just a pawn to deter me from my illicit thoughts. I thought starting a serious relationship would help me move on from Victoria, but it only seemed to draw more attention to her. When I announced my relationship with Elena, it was like an open invitation for guys to approach Victoria, causing me even more trouble. I had such a difficult time keeping them away from her.

I was 18 at the time when I saw Victoria as a woman for the first time, and my feelings took a complete 180-degree turn.

After that day, I wasn't the same; every innocent touch from her teased a dark string of my mind. I imagine us in situations I'm ashamed to admit as a friend, which is why I started keeping my distance from her.

I still remember that prom night. If I hadn't left her and chosen Elena as my dance partner, I'm convinced I would have committed an unforgivable act. That night, she looked painfully gorgeous, and the mere sight of her stirred a reaction I couldn't ignore. That night my dick was constantly in a hard stage. And I was well aware that friends don't look and even think about their friends in that way.

The boundaries were getting blurred day by day for me, and I realized that it was not appropriate. Her intoxicating presence became a euphoria for me, and even her little and mundane acts became fascinating. Day by day, my obsession with her was spiraling into an increasingly unhealthy state, At that time I realise however I want however I try but I was not going to be interested in another girl but Victoria. the depth of my feelings for her wasn't just a normal Feelings or affection; it was more than a dark obsession.

In the middle of nights, my mind used to wander, haunted by the thought of what would happen if she had found out about my illicit obsession with her. Because to her, I was just her best friend.

I constantly told myself that she wasn't my type, just a friend. I convinced myself I didn't see her as my world. Believe me, I tried many times, but did I succeed? No, absolutely not. Not even once.

Because of her, I participated in that silly talent show. I chose that song because every word of it expressed what I felt for her. But she didn't even acknowledge it. She was so innocent, seemingly unaware of the sentiments embedded in the song I chose for her. That's why I never sang again; singing was a raw emotion for me, and it exclusively belonged to her.

Then, I ended things with Elena; it was a mutual decision. She wanted to be a model, and I helped her achieve that. However, in return, she helped me to bring chaos in my house.

She knew about my dark obsession. I had to tell her because at that time, I was in desperate need of her help. It had been months since Victoria stopped talking to me. She blocked me everywhere, and whenever I showed up at her home, she refused to come in front of me.

So when Elena and I parted our way I played a role of heartbroken soul.

I know I manipulated situations to gain her attention and affection, but they say everything is fair in love and war, and I'm a man in love so who's going to judge me anyway.

My life was sailing smoothly in Victoria's closeness, but then something dark happened. She doesn't have the slightest idea about my dark side. She was completely in the dark about some shady stuff I'm involved in. If she ever finds out, she'll probably hate me forever.

The fear of losing her permanently haunted me. I never intended to marry her; she was never meant to be mine. Yet, that doctor and that Möthèrfücker Marco played significant roles.

I always wanted to protect her, even from myself. But the idea of her with someone else is something I can't even bear to consider. The very thought of her slipping away was so daunting that I couldn't even bring myself to think about it. When I found out about that fúckïng Doctor, I had never experienced jealousy of this intensity before. It's like this strong, uncomfortable feeling inside me. Just thinking about someone else getting close to her makes me possessive.

My obsession with her had become unhealthy, Sometimes, I resented Uncle James for being such an affectionate father. If it were up to me, I'd whisk Victoria away from everyone's sight and keep her all to myself in a place where no one else could ever come near her but me. But I couldn't bring myself to do that. She would hate me if I ever did something like that, and I couldn't bear the thought of being hated by her.

But thank God my girl wasn't that social; otherwise, I would have had a difficult time shooing away every person near her. Oh, how could I forget about that witch Lily? If it were up to me, I'd vanish her from the face of the Earth. She brainwashed Victoria and took her away from me. But in the end, everything was settled. After my discharge from the hospital, I never saw Victoria talking to her again, and after that semester, Lily transferred her admission to a Canadian university.

If I hadn't manipulated the situation regarding my mother's illness, I wouldn't have had a chance with her. Under normal circumstances, maybe she would never have married me. And when she confessed on our honeymoon that she was in love with me, I was constantly in a state of euphoria.

But Seeing Elena at that night in the hotel lobby, my suspicion heightened. I made a mental note to pay her a visit to understand her sudden arrival in New York and whether it had anything to do with me. It's not as if I'm afraid, but in a deep corner of my heart, I was a little uneasy at the thought of what if she told Victoria everything and she believed her.

It's not like she had the guts to threaten me with anything. After all, I'm Dominic Russo. But the thought of Victoria, hurt and doubtful because of me, brings me uneasiness.

But Victoria misunderstood my intentions.

The haunting image of her eyes, brimming with tears, remained etched in my mind and didn't let me sleep at night. She wept, damn it—cried because of me. Her expansive, tear-filled, blue oceanic eyes were a consequence of my actions. Me!

There's no moment I despise myself more than that one. She was happy that night, she was happy after meeting with my friends but damn, my actions cast a shadow over her happiness.

Thankfully, she forgave me, and for that, I am grateful. Now, I don't want any misunderstandings between us. I love her, She owns my heart and soul; She is mine as much as I am hers. And no one, I mean absolutely no one, can take her away from me.

Not even her.

End of the chapter

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